
You won’t get a pass for beating a child. You’ll be suspended from the MN Vikings for several whole games. Justice!

Too bad Chris Brown & R.Kelly can’t get on one of those amazingly safe Virgin Galactic planes together to see the stars. Maybe Kanye could be the pilot as he seems to be able to do everything else so well.

(OK, maybe Kanye could just miss it at the last minute. Instead George Zimmerman gets to try out his new pilot

That’s the best argument I’ve ever heard for atheism.

omg, do you live in my town?

Yeah, that’s a thing. Though I truly think that some folks are looking for a bit of guidance (e.g. studies, articles, links, etc.). Though that’s all in how it’s phrased/presented.

TO DUDE IN THE GRAYS: “I still don’t get how men wearing womenface is any different from this wack wearing blackface.”

Yeah abusers are totally sweet sensitive people, right up until they’re abusing their chosen victim. And frequently right afterwards again, as well.

Ironically, claiming you are trans-racial is like claiming you are trans-veteran (even though one is obviously not based on a choice you made and one obviously is).

Oh totally. Not lamenting it or hoping for it, but I can see it happening.

What is interesting to me though is the fact that she obviously sees it as a kind of mark of performative authenticity. Why else would she deploy it? I am not here to argue if it is true or not (though I do think there is a ring of truth to it) but the very fact that she deployed it is interesting.

I regret I have but two eyes to roll at that statement.

Like, this is some kind of break with reality, right? Or is she just one of those pathological liars? It’s so weird that it’s creepy.

I’m assuming her next article is going to be all about how Bill Cosby is just misunderstood and we should all forgive him because he’s the funniest comedian in the world and knows more about jazz and pudding than anyone else who ever lived.

I once punched a baby female kitten on my way to get my gf a Valentine’s Day card and some shitty chocolate that I expected a bj for. Chris Brown is cool in my book!

Yeah, I don’t get that. I mean, I get the psychology of it, but I don’t get accepting it and still calling the guy sweet and sensitive. Like, are you kidding?

Fuck Chris Brown. As someone who struggles with Bipolar Disorder (II, rapid-cycling, in case you were curious), let me say that he doesn’t get to use that shit as a crutch. Mental illness is not a free pass. Yes, it can cause those of us dealing with it to do things we’re not proud of, and can’t always control. But

I just want to hang around her for a week, with me being drunk the whole time. I’m pretty sure my laughing the entire time will piss her off, but I don’t care enough to blink twice about that.

I mean...yeah. Kids are easy targets too and animals. So if I go out and punch a two-year-old in the face am I going to get a pass, cuz you know, easy target? Excuse me, I’m off to kick some kittens.

Woody Allen, Polanski, Mel Gibson, Casey Affleck, countless others, and Chris Brown. Not exactly the progress I want to see but it’s an argument I’ve heard before and, frankly, I get it from that single and only perspective. He’s still a danger to himself and others.

Does anyone else get the vibe from his behavior, past history of assault, unwillingness to treatment, and countless enablers this guy’s gonna pull a Phil Spector some day?