
I’m a teacher. Abuse causes all kinds of learning problems too, with kids showing the symptoms of ADD or a learning disability, even if they don’t actually have them. One of my friends has found if she can’t find any other reason for why a child is grade levels behind, when she combs through their school record, she

“Any industry that has that much power and is that competitive, because after a while it starts to become, ‘Well, who can take the most abuse?’” she said.

Me too! My mom was raised the same way except she’s a mental health professional? Still didn’t know better though . Weird, huh?

That sounds like a good therapist. Eventually I stopped telling my mom anything because she would either get hair-on-fire mad and embarrass me or just discount my feelings completely. We have worked on our relationship over the years. She says she was raised in a very old fashioned household in where the girls were

The most likely reason is that there is a massive difference between “knowing” something and having proof. That’s not the type of claim you make against someone on the basis of something you heard 3rd hand (at best), unless you actively want to get sued into destitution. 

That is so upsetting. I used to hate how protective my parents were as a kid but now I’m so grateful they were. People don’t realize how being abused as a child- sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, psychological- impacts the rest of your life. I’ve been a public defender for over ten years and so many of clients

Here’s some free therapy for you.

A journalist here in Canada made a short documentary about child abuse in sport. When she interviewed kids at the Canada Games (a competition of mostly under-20s) pretty much every girl she spoke to had either been sexually abused by a adult related to her sport, or knew someone who had. Any time there’s something

she would have named him then. This has to be someone who could sue.

I wonder if they interviewed Tatum O’Neal for this.  You wanna talk about a messed up child hood.  When she got nominated for an Oscar, and her father didn’t (for Paper Moon) he punched her.  She subsequently went to the Oscars (where she won) alone.  Neither of her parents went.  Ryan O’Neal is such garbage.  

And she’s neither a victim nor witness to the abuse (she has already testified about her own rape) so she’s not really in a position to call out names. These are likely assaults described to her by friends so they’re not her stories to go public with. Naming the assailant may expose victims who aren’t willing or

this isn’t really so black and white. It doesn’t mean shit sometimes to come forward, that’s the sad fucking reality. She can lose everything, go through her own trauma again as a potential victim of abuse, and then there is still no justice served. Yes you can hope for the best, but victims know the reality that the

I don’t know if this is at all helpful, but since I’ve started posting on Jezebel a few months ago at the beginning of quarantine, I have found (with the exception of a few obvious trolls) the Jezebel comments section to be a supportive environment which fosters robust debate. With the exception of the trolls, I have

Well, let’s be careful with this “burn it all down” rhetoric. Remember: That Asshole in the White House was, for many of his supporters, a deliberate brick through America’s front window. They voted for him in an  effort to destroy the political system they felt was leaving them behind.¹

I just want to burn it all the fuck down.  

That’s not a half-bad idea. Maybe there should be someone at the helm to guide us all and write up some sort of rules in a book, something easy to read, that could be distributed and they could interpret any misunderstandings that come up. We’d need to make sure that this person doesn’t have to do anything else but be

This is also how I know I will never fall for a cult. Oh, it costs money? Hard pass. 

A bit off topic, but I’m kind of bothered how all the characters refer to Kat as the fat girl. A. She's not that big, and b. You're telling me that in America in 2019 every other person in that high school is super skinny? I know it's Hollywood standards but it seems unrealistic. 

Was the film pitch not good enough for the male audience without the porn angle? it feels like a desperate pitch to get men to watch this. fun fact: most fanfic writers are normal, boring people with normal, boring jobs. 

I’m sure there was fandom before Star Trek (as my elders have scornfully told me). But present day at least, all fandom leads back to Star Trek. Maybe because Star Trek was the first MEDIA (rather than literary) fandom.