I love her expression: “Can you believe this shit?”
That black friend™ looks a bit skeptical.
Denouncing racism and bigotry unequivocally ≠ talking about politics
I almost wish I could say “this is the last straw, I’m done with ESPN!”
I’m sure Kenny Loggins has something to say about screw ups in this trailer.
The idea that Goodell is closely aligned with the owners is nonsense. I am a Packers owner and I have never heard from Goodell.
The future of the NFL, which has two more seasons of labor peace before the CBA expires in March 2021, is in some truly mediocre hands.
I fucking love Dale Hansen. He must be protected at all costs.
This is all so true, and if he ever did get fired, he could take Stu and the entire shipping container, start somewhere else, and be just as popular as now because his show transcends ESPN. They don’t need ESPN as much as ESPN needs them.
Come to Dallas. Dale Hansen would make you proud.
I’m feeling admiration for a sports talk host? What the shit is going on??
Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
Weed will be legal to buy in IL just 11 days after release. I figure I am going to need to smoke approx “all of it” to get through this movie
“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”
“So there I was just minding my own business, walking around dumping gasoline all over town, as one does, when a couple days later I heard the town burned down. Literally, just came out of nowhere! And now I’m worried that next time I go to the station and make my weekly purchase of gasonline (in the canister, where…
At least one employee complained to legislators about his obsession