I am shocked to learn that a man who looks like he does lacks self-discipline.
I am shocked to learn that a man who looks like he does lacks self-discipline.
Absurd? Yes. Hilarious? Absoooolutely
Seems like this is an update to the old way VW used to say “fuck you”:
Pitino knows you don’t have to go to Greece to get trojans, right?
OH GREAT, another berth. Just what the Rivers household needs!
They never should have covered him with a government-issued blanket.
Nurse: Oh my God! Come look at this Red skin!
To be fair, how is he supposed to identify the difference between a pregnant woman and what just regular women in Pittsburgh look like?
The Immaculate Asphyxiation
He was just trying to deprive the baby of oxygen so it might grow up to become a Steelers fan.
I love my cigar too, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while.
I certainly don’t think there’s any excuse for choking a pregnant woman. But someone had to step in and stop Mrs. Rivers already.
The egregious freeze out of Green Man on the Philadelphia mascot scene continues.
?? I hrdly know her!!
Sir, this is an Arby’s drive-through.
“Pats are always thielen calls at home.”
More power to the heat shields Mr. Scott!
A Harvard vs. Yale football game played at Fenway park seems like the perfect opportunity for the stadium to fall into a massive sinkhole.