Female supporters had to lift up their female supporters.
I don’t think they need to remove it. I propose the following changes.
Obviously the driver misjudged his coronering speed.
The deceased on the gurney was in fact named Royce. He was a rolls Royce.
*CLAP* Betty Rake!
You’re completely correct, but it’s supposed to go like this, when you’re a Jet...
He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.
It SAYS in the KORAN to USE the INFIDELS handles and POLES against them in JIHAD, or possibly FALAFEL, which is a SNACK, and therefore ALEX JONES is the TEHINI of the PITA CHIP BOWEL CLEANSE.
That’s Charlie Hustle for you. So much dedication to the game, he’d play ball even without any grass on the field.
The fact that he was falsely accused of a crime is just further proof that Whitehead isn’t Cowboys material.
Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.
Well, whatever the excuse, they need to pay him. Cousins is the best quarterback they’ve had there since Duck Williams.
Ironically, it looks more like a diamond now.
Thankfully soccer fans are used to exceptionally long periods of nothing happening.
Those look way too similar to thumbnails I have absolutely not seen on Pornhub.
ESPN: Millennials want some youth and diversity to go with all of their hipping and hopping.
Roger Moore and Paul Newman were the best of us.