And if the cops send non-Philly poll watchers away, it’s back to complaints about how things are rigged, the establishment is against them, etc. That’s what’s so frustrating. “Rigged” is the new “bias.” You can invalidate any opinion or behavior with it.
Fuck you for perpetuating this bullshit.
It’s one of the uniformed white dudes he’s complaining about. He’s just wearing blackface.
Nine relatively minor items from an hour+ long presentation are opened to question or termed “weak” by INR (rather than “lies and inadequacies” as you termed them) and you think that puts him on Cheney’s level?
He was Secretary of State; he essentially drew the short straw to present to the UNGA. It’s pretty much accepted that the guy had little to no involvement in the BS that went on pre-Iraq.
My nieghbors who are all voting no, and dont have any vote NO signs in their yards. The most vocal and pushy appear to be the Vote Yes group. By group I mean the Political committee, not the actual people who I know are voting yes.
Translating “I moved on her like a bitch” to “I moved on her like Condoleeza Rice” somehow makes it less nonsensical.
All my excess live in Texas.
Justin Trudeau is Putin, confirmed.
Fuck off asshole. If I want to see Trudeau bashing I’ll visit the comment section on CBC.
Putin is protecting him because Snowden represents a PR boon to Russia. As long as Snowden can diminish U.S. standing by shit-talking the American government, Russia will be happy to hand him the microphone. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that.
Gov. Pence quickly added, “And could I get your number for Mr. Trump? He’s gonna want it in a couple of years. And those of your troopmates. But NO FATTIES.”
Let’s not jump to conclusions here. To be talking to Pence in the first place, kid probably had court ordered community service. That or she was sent by the ghost of a classmate she murdered.
Isn’t he a parent or grandparent? Has he ever met a kid before?
Tom Brady had a White Pride hat way before this thing dropped.
God, that’s offensive. Who the hell would support the Denver Nuggets?
Maybe it’s just a Washington team thing