Because Benghazi?
Because Benghazi?
Just because she dances doesn’t mean she’s not evil.
What makes a paratrooper is not falling out of an aircraft attached to a static line. What makes paratroopers different is that when we go, we are fully committed. There is no getting home the way you got there.
Sadly, the data is crap, but I guess it’s a step in the right direction.
Is ghost riding the whip still a thing? Drinking this beer seems like an equally bad idea, so they might go well together.
I know I’m late on this post, but I think Tom Delay had the right idea. (Pretty sure I’ll never repeat that sentence.)
lol that’s great. I’ve actually been seriously looking into moving to Canada, and not b/c of Donald Trump, although that adds to the motivation.
How about “Yippie Kai-eh?” :)
Hold on just a second. Since when do Canadians say “Y’all”?
It’s always better to wait for the facts, rather than jumping to conclusions.
I didn’t defend anything. I was pointing out an flaw in your thinking, which is that you can’t treat any of these things as isolated incidents. They are all part of the larger conflict, so go easy on the straw man arguments.
Your lack of self-awareness is staggering.
Let’s not act like the Israelis went in with tanks and prompted this response.
You’re correct. It says they turned the feature off.
A crowd sourced app, as dangerous as it could be, is the only ‘reliable’ way to navigate there
That’s an interesting tidbit. What service are you with?
Let me see if I understand this...
This is an outrage! I mean, MSNBC has been borderline unwatchable for a while now, but in principle, I am very disappointed.
It’s like a mouse, kinda? Only fat, like a pig. And it lives underground. And does square poops (literally). Tamer ones love cuddles. And when attacked, it doesn’t fight runs into its burrow head-first, protecting itself by blocking the hole with its teeth-proof butt. I did not make that last bit up.
I mean, this is all pretty gross, but from the way I read it, the Trump voters were protesting the fact that Lincoln used an executive order to free the slaves, not the fact that the slaves were ultimately freed.