
You’re only backing up the notion that Israel is trying to protect its citizens, while Hamas is only trying to get theirs killed.

How is lighting a child on fire an act of ‘vigilance’?

Of course Palestinians want peace. The purpose of war is always to achieve peace, but on the terms of your choosing. That applies to the Israelis and Palestinians.

It takes a special kind of intellectual dishonesty or laziness to compare an oppressed people to Nazis. Especially when Israel is the one with the modern military and vigilante groups that never seem to face justice. One recently went to trial, but it took him lightning a Palestinian child on fire.

...because if the sand Nazis aren’t slaughtering anyone, then nobody gets slaughtered.

I found that info a while back, but I just haven’t been able to make myself dive in and read it. I was hoping I could goad you into summarizing it for me, but you seem to be familiar with that trick.

There are NO moderate rebels in Syria. If there are, I’d like someone to provide a group’s name, or a leader’s name, and to describe what they’re fighting for that doesn’t include chopping off people’s heads.

Let’s not resort to name calling. Public outrage and the court of public opinion have always had a role to play in shaping society and the law, both when it’s being written and when it’s before a court. That’s not going to change. Unfortunately, things aren’t nearly as black and white as you’d like.

The prosecutor has to presume he’s innocent. The public does not.

Flying is such a miserable experience my first thought was how do I find flights with so many empty seats?


It releases endorphins, which is why the Thundershirt keeps dogs calm.

Nicki Minaj’s perfect, erratic verse on “Monster” stands as one of the greatest in rap history.

First, let’s set the record straight on her “secretary to CEO” narrative. She was a child of privilege who worked summers as a secretary. That was never going to be her path in life.

I haven’t found any other Nov 9 photos either, and with just a single photo to work from, I feel like plausible is the closest I can get on the Nov 9 launch. On the other hand, there is a lot more info available about the Nov 7 launch that raises some interesting questions, none of which are UFO related, btw :)

Last weekend I took your suggestion and went back to get a better compass reading, as well as the angle of the projectile relative to the ground. My reading was way off before, probably because there was a police car beside me in traffic. There’s a $500 fine for using a handheld device while driving in Austin, so I

I was hoping Tyler or an expert would weigh in as well. I didn’t think about using Google earth for the trajectory. I just kept wishing I had a copy of the SDI game I played back in the 80s (

I’ll admit I’ve been second guessing whether it could have been the missile from CA, as well as my hasty compass reading, but here’s my case for why it is, and I’d love more feedback, even if I end up being wrong:

Yesterday, while sitting in traffic on the way home, I saw what I’m pretty sure was the 2nd Trident II test ( this week, and managed to get a couple of photos, along with a compass heading (~230° (SW) from my location in Austin). I’ve never seen anything move across the sky that fast, and it kept

I think most people would agree that Congress isn’t doing their job, but it’s important to point out that the blame should not be distributed equally. Right now the Republican party, held hostage by their more conservative wing, blocks anything resembling good government from passing, even if it was their idea to