The meanest snowflake is pissed off

Russia’s is every other country’s Bad Idea Boyfriend. They’re sexy and boss and ride a big motorcycle and seem so much more wild and free than the squares and drips at NATO. It’s only when you’ve been left, tearstained and pregnant, at the outskirts of town while it roars off and shifty looking men in glowing trench

Keeps Dotard45 in line! He was so fucking scared he fired his Secretary of State for daring to speak against Russia!

Seriously you really gotta admit that Putin knows he can do whatever he wants because he got trump elected and now he wants to see how far he can push it.

Because Putin seized the means of production... of chemical weapons.

Russia’s troll game is strong:

A large section of the Old Left have always had a secret love for the Bear.

Punchable either way though.

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

and Corbyn has immediately chosen to side with the Russians

Tiny face, or giant head? I can’t decide...

Peak Trump.

She isn’t dumb. Get out while there are still assets.

The world is full of idiots. He’s not done yet.

Eh it’s a nice thought but the supply of replacement shit is infinite

I used to think this but each new appointment just gets worse and worse. I don’t think there’s a bottom.

If you have to split hairs on what type of private plane you are taking, the facts are most definitely not on your side.

“I didn’t collude with the Russians, I colluded with the Soviets!”

they should replace the doors of whatever room gets fired from with those office doors he hates so much, tagged with the message “resent me? Well don’t let me hit your ass on the way out.”

“I didn’t kill six dogs! I killed five dogs! How dare you.”

So he resents the fact that the facts make him look bad?