When did Kim Jong Un start looking so Caucasian?
When did Kim Jong Un start looking so Caucasian?
This is so fucking weird. I mean, if this played out in a movie about dictatorships or authoritarian regimes, that’s one thing. But for this to happen in the United States of America? I mean seriously - if millions upon millions of normal, educated American citizens can’t comprehend why this is so fucked up, then you…
Why would you have to sell all your stuff*? Just call me curious George...
*... asks chick who still pays $65/month (up from $60/mth as of August 2000) for a needlessly huge storage unit 90 miles out of DC in Madison County, Va, and: (1) no, I haven’t been there in years, and (2) am obviously procrastinator…
I’m trying to find out if my husband qualifies for the 4 year grants for climate scientists to live and work in France with no no restrictions on their spouse working. He works in environmental remediation, so probably not, and it would be a logistical nightmare to sell all the stuff we own and move to France, but a…
He’s not insane, just dumb. I should know, I lived under 8 years of his governor-ing here in Georgia. The sad part is that Sonny’s transparently corrupt R successor is about 1,000,000,000x better, because at least he’s not an incompetent twit.
“We are still going to be leaders in the world when it comes to the climate, but we are not going to be held hostage to some executive order that was ill-thought-out. My hats off to you for taking that stand and sending a clear message around the world,” said Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who was previously in favor…
That bitch has to be the most let-them-eat-cakiest of all those assholes. I’d call them clueless, but they know. They just don’t care.
Listen, just because Trump made Rick Perry get under the table and blow him after the cameras turned off doesn’t mean that Trump doesn’t take his Cabinet seriously. I mean, come on, these are some very serious folks there to give the President some very serious advice, that he is totally going to take, and the idea…
They have to tell him he’s handsome and a good boy and affectionately ruffle his hair and diaper his enormous behind and generally give him the love mommy and daddy didn’t otherwise...
Unrelated: Anyone else having trouble going to replies to your comments? It just takes me to the most recent article, for some reason.
They seem to be confused and think they’re in some sort of West Wing LARP situation, or playing in a Fantasy White House Politics league. This is not Model UN, guys. This is Real UN, where you actually have to DO stuff instead of just talking real good about it with your buddies.
“I think the international community knows we are back,” said UN ambassador Nikki Haley
Our democracy everyone. Drink it in. Remember this moment any time you hear some jack ass saying that your vote doesn’t matter.
I was listening to the audio on SXM POTUS and and was weirded out. It was the same thing you see with every dictator where all his folks praise them. It had a NK newscast sort of eeriness to it .
I was listening on the radio and had to turn it off. They were ridiculous. The worst was DeVos. She was talking about making sure that all children in America have access to the best education ever! Moron.
I cannot believe how sheltered these people (Trump supporters (and family)) are. They call US snowflakes while whining (non-stop) on facebook about how mean we are to Trump, TRUMP! A person who built an empire on being mean, a person who whined about Obama for 7 years.
is...is that in the movie...?
To put thing in a bit of perspective, most already-successful authors are given “the right of final say” as a matter of course when they sign over their book to be adapted. The difference is that EL James is basically the first author who exercised her full rights (cuz most of them are mature-ass adults who know when…
So I saw Fifty Shades Darker last week, and holy shit was it one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen (no hyperbole).