The meanest snowflake is pissed off

Agreed. But get ready for an influx of “yeah, that’s who we should be worried about” comments from people who can’t fathom thinking or feeling about more than one thing at a time.

Like it’s her fault? And also, she is doing it to raise money. Hypothetically you wouldn’t have to go. Others would in support of your hypothetical daughter

Poor kid. I cannot imagine the paranoia/fear/anger that must be triggered in a young artist whose performance venue has been the scene of such tragedy, such horror. I keep thinking of the tailspin Amy Schumer went into after the cinema shooting during one of her films. It must take tremendous, unseen courage to move

A $7 Million suit?

The same crime but half the punishment.

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

Sessions was the first sitting senator to endorse [that person]’s run. For his early and committed support, he was rewarded with his choice of appointed positions.

I’m thinking both.

Less than two weeks ago Sessions instructed, “that prosecutors should charge and purse the most serious and readily provable offense”

I’m an oldie who grew up during the Cold War, and literally participated in bomb drills in elementary school (crouching in the hallway with a book over the back of my neck!). Any American older than 55 was taught from their cradles to despise and fear Russia, so I can’t understand how any large proportion of US

I haven’t seen this discussed somewhere, but it seems like it’s worth it: So many of these people in the Trump administration have these Russia connections— so many that it’s just not normal. But how did they all make it into this administration. Did Sessions know Trump somehow before this election began? Sessions was

Oh pleeeeease let us have the satisfaction of finding out down the road that Sessions has a prison job in the kitchen-baking, naturally.

I guess we can’t expect Sessions to know super-technical legalities and such; he’s only the ATTORNEY GENERAL.

...and so has perjured himself AGAIN.

So when can we start chanting “LOCK! HIM! UP!” about any of these dickcheeses?

I think at this point we should ask, “Who in Trump’s administration hasn’t had undocumented contact with the Russians?”

Ok, I’m sorry. No matter what did, or did not, happen between Trump, his advisors and any Russians, isn’t the sheer volume itself of meetings between Trump, his supporters and advisors, and the Russians of concern?

It’s almost like they think Russia is exempt from these disclosures, or something. Surely they’re not ALL so stupid as to lie on these forms, right? Yet, there we see quite plainly three cases that we know of where this happened.

It’s a word that’s so old fashioned that it’s redolent of muskets and tricorn hats, but these guys are straight up TRAITORS.