The meanest snowflake is pissed off

I was just saying this to my mom after our county Democratic chair was wailing against the push for pro-choice to be non-negotiable. Like women and minorities are a solid democratic base, the white men are fickle, why would you want to pissed these groups off? It’s certainly not men running around doing the work in

You know, I also blame a lot of that on America’s willful blindness in believing that we’re voting for a person instead of an administration.

She is an excellent tactician, yes.

I agree. They are like leaches. Now that they have softened him up with a few months of ‘hard work’ and failure, expect him to let Pence, Ivanka and Ryan do their worst while he sits back and gets to take credit. That’s when we all need to start packing a bag.

I honestly empathize with you and am constantly being enraged by what is happening in and to your country, but I am so relieved to be Canadian right now!

Crazy thought. Let’s say the polls are showing it’s going to be a bloodbath and the Dems are going to win 230 house seats, or something crazy like that. Is it too far out there to think that 45 will try and find some way to cancel or postpone the election? I mean, that sounds absolutely absurd and ridiculous and

The show is set in the near-future from now, not 1985. There are modern references beyond cell-phones, Tinder and Uber are also mentioned in flashbacks...

2020 - Im with Her.

Here’s hoping this soiree wasn’t organised by email HAHAHAHAHAHA oh dear god why *drinks*

I wouldn’t have expected toxic masculinity to sound so delicious. I would have guessed something more like Tang mixed with sweat and female tears.

Don’t leave. May I suggest an alternate plan?

I feel you, but I also think it is important to stay and SET SHIT ON FIRE when things go pear-shaped. Soon, I hope, these people are going to go too far and push too many of us over the damn line and then we’ll see.

It’s excellent, and most of it didn’t bother me that much (I mean, it did in a “omg how fucking awful” way, and the general sense of dread that it’s supposed to invoke), but the scene where (SPOILER, BUT THIS WAS IN THE BOOK) she tries to buy something only to find out her card doesn’t work bc all her money’s been

Prof and I have done some overseas traveling the last few years and we are now thinking it might be time to bug out permanently, but we aren’t rich and are close to retirement and don’t have many marketable skills. Where could we go that would take us in when we can’t bring much with us?

I don’t blame you at all for your thinking, and I’d encourage you to do whatever homework you need to do. By the same token, it is people like you - who care, who march, who VOTE - we need on the very front lines.

If you decide to leave, you would need to do so before it is obviously time to do so. A better idea would be to get a bunch of your liberal friends together and start a left-wing militia complete with assault weapons and small arms tactics trainings so you could at least have a fighting chance when the shit hits the


I always stifle a laugh when people say that congress will be a check on him. Permit me to not invest any hope in Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

Seriously! Do their base get riled up about these small instances of ‘disrespect’?

At this point I don’t think anything will change until and unless they take a drubbing in the next election. 2016 was an experiment for them; Trump went against everything most people were used to and the result was a GOP wave election, in a cycle that they were supposed to struggle.