
Hmmph... When you got a crazy money-grubbing daddy, sometimes you just have to leave him be. No need to enable his pathology by trying to reconcile. If he still doesn’t know why she’s holding him at arm’s length, he needs to go to an old K-mart and see if he can buy a clue.

You know what, it is sad but she shouldn’t have to speak to her father if she doesn’t want to. It sure looks like he wasn’t involved with her life before and now he wants back in only because she’s royalty (i.e. he wants to profit).

Yeah. This is why Bobbys take has upset me so much. It’s bad enough to have your parent do the unthinkable repeatedly but imagine them getting sympathy from it. Sympathy on a global scale that paints YOU out to be the bad guy.

If I had a dollar every time some well-meaning asshole said, “You should be nice to your mom.” I’d be a millionaire. In my mom’s world, “nice” is never, ever contradicting her narcissistic, bipolar, boundary-smashing, emotionally abusive bullshit and that is never going to happen. Fuck making strangers happy at the

Cutting out toxic family is amazing and people who don’t get it have never had that soul-draining exhaustion of trying to explain why Uncle Toxic is destroying your spirit with his gay-hating/racism/something that hurts you and you don’t want to just smile and deal anymore.

Meghan, don't. Wanna bet that if she does make that one phone call, the Markles will immediately tell TMZ all about it? Screw the Markles. 

Exactly. I can’t believe that people are buying that Thomas Markles bullshit and actually rooting for him. The only victim here is Meghan. Her own father will sell any contact he has with her -fact! She can’t text him because those texts will end up on a tabloid. She can’t call because he will tape that call and send

Yeah spot on!

I hate that shit. My dad is dead and my father-in-law is a piece of shit who my husband wants nothing to do with. Sometimes he feels bad because he worries he’s being selfish and compared to me “At least he has a dad.”

I don’t want to tell someone how to live their life/deal with their parents, but Meghan please accept one call because this is really bumming me out.

Meghan Markle’s father is an asshole, if you truly are “scared” for her why the hell are you trashing her fashion choices? And if he really cares so much doesn’t he realize that what he’s doing can actually make things more difficult for her with the royal family? That said, I do feel a litttttle bad, I’m sure he

I can think of approximately zero times that slagging someone to a tabloid has improved a relationship.  Also the fact that he keeps complaining about how unfair it is that he can’t make money off her makes me just a teensy bit skeptical about his motives here.

Why would Meghan talk to her father? He runs his mouth at every opportunity. Constructed a conversation that he had with Harry out of thin air.

As someone whose family would also behave this way (or worse), I feel sorry for Meghan, her family’s messy. She doesn’t look pained, she looks like she’s trying to adjust properly to a whole new world, which I’m sure she’d delighted to be doing.

Yeah no, she does not need to call him. Since she’s got engaged he’s done nothing but exploit her for profit. If he wants to be treated like a father he should act like a father.

I get so annoyed with Meghan’s hair police. It’s racist, for a start - her hair is never going to behave like Kate’s.

It’s quite clear the royal family has very little power because I feel like this is worthy behavior of getting shoved in some sort of a tower somewhere. A beheading if it continues. 

I don’t want you to be sad Bobby, but I’m pretty sure Meghan’s dad had a lot of chances to be a better father before getting shunned. He basically admits that he got cut off from her because he profited off of her private business (and still does). If she spoke to him now, it would be 24 hours before Dad sold the

Meghan looked absolutely delighted at Wimbledon on Saturday. She seems fine. And the address of Kensington Palace is very easy to find. Its post code is W8 4PU.

NOOOOO!!! If she called him, he’d probably record it and then go on yet another press tour talking about her calling him. If he really cared anything about her, he’d stop all this nonsense. He just wants to sell her out.