
But there are plenty of reasons to keep plastic straws around—like the fact that many disabled people rely on them to drink and alternatives like paper straws (which get soggy and fall apart) and metal straws (which don’t bend) may not fit the needs of every person with a disability.

note: i certainly understand that those with disabilities may need plastic straws, and i think that restaurants, etc., should have some on standby for those individuals. even reducing the number of plastic straws is a good start!

But our sudden preoccupation with plastics straws and ocean waste has me thinking: Wait, HUH?? What is happening?

I have a friend of Latino heritage who recently moved to Arizona to start a new phase on his life. He viewed it as a great adventure.

Jesus this one hits close to home. My 63 (64?) year old Salvadoran father was jumped by 3 Asian guys on July 4th and hit in the head with something according to his neighbor who called the cops. Thankfully he only has a concussion and a few bruises but this could have easily been a story about my pops if his neighbor

Not to mention dressing their reps up like doctors and sending them into less educated areas to flat out lie and say their formula is healthier than breast milk. Nestle has a very dirty record on this.

Jesus, it’s not about shaming women who don’t or can’t breastfeed.

The health benefits of breastfeeding have been proven, so much so that I won’t bother linking here since you obviously have access to the internet.

The swamp was a government ‘for the people’ actually holding the wealthy and powerful at least a slight bit accountable.

the US threatened Ecuador and the World Health Organization this spring over an international resolution to encourage breastfeeding at the behest of infant formula manufacturers

And Russia got no pushback from the Dump Admin, unlike all the others. Almost like the guy who runs Russia has something on the leader of the Dump administration. Hmmm...

The problem is, Nestle and other baby formula manufacturers have a nasty habit of giving free samples to mothers in the developing world that last just long enough to cause said mothers to stop producing breast milk, thus forcing the mothers to use the baby formula instead. This then leads to problems because mothers

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who had dispatched a team of engineers to the site, had previously said he was building an oxygen-filled capsule from rocket parts to help extract the boys from the cave. Though it was not used in the rescue (and presumably won’t be given that it has now been shown the boys can

Interesting. I also find it strange they hate each other. I grew up in a Latino heavy area. The Dominicans wanted nothing to do with the Puerto Ricans. Oh and you better not ever mistake any of them for Mexican. That’s like a hex on their family. As an African American, knowing dark skinned people worldwide experience

True . Very true. Tho examples I’m specifically thinking of is one family from colombia who have very light skin but they definitely aren’t white. Also a man who looks like he jumped off the boat from El Salvador but looks down on black folks

My surprise isn’t that they are racist - it’s that they are in the Klan.

Basically, internalized racism. My dad liked to call himself a “Spaniard” but he was Basque, Chilean, Italian, and though he wouldn’t admit it, Mexican. Our last name is Latinx. He thought he was white and other Latinxes were below him. As an aside, he was a racist (generally) and a psychopath with an IQ of 169,

I once had a latino skinhead come up to me to say I was a disgrace to the white race because I was out having dinner with some black friends. That was 20 years ago and I still don’t understand what the fuck his deal was.  He did at least leave when we all burst out into hysterical laughter. 

Wow, Stormy Daniels shut that asshole down. Awesome.

Some of my Latin brothers and sisters think they are so passing that they more than support the forces that oppress their peoples. I've had many arguments with Trump supporting aunts and uncles. They finally shut up when they started kidnapping kids.