
“Fuck you” should be the only words this rancid cunt ever hears from anyone. Same goes for everyone who supports this shit. I’ve got my own “zero tolerance” policy.

I’m convinced that the only thing that Trump will listen to is someone getting in his space and calling him a whiny little bitch.

No, sorry I think she was a model...Ambra Battiliana?

Also, can I present ending all conversations with “Fuck Trump.” Like, instead of saying have a nice day it’s just a ‘Fuck Trump.’ just a thought

not the same, but I saw a big ol lifted truck with a MAGA flag and a Blue Lies Matter Flag on the freeway. I rolled down my window, honked, and flipped off that Bass Pro Shop, weak jawed, milk mustached motherfucker.

I get why people focus on the “white woman” thing, but I honestly think most people don’t “get away” with this type of behavior (besides, you know, morality) is that 99.99999% of people don’t have the nerve to even try it. I don’t say that admiringly - I think she’s a sociopath or something similar - but successful

For actual crimes, she ripped off banks. Their fault for lending her money without airtight credentials and cashing her bad checks, but they’re the reason she’s in serious trouble. Other than that, she ripped off some people who really couldn’t afford it, including a photographer friend to the tune of 70,000.

Plus Lindsay has gone blonde and looks great as one!

Maybe Trump might pardon her and dump Melanie and marry her.

After she’s gotten fame and fortune from committing her crimes.

This is pretty much exactly how Donald Trump rose to fame too. Oied and faked like he money until enough people believe it, he was legitimized enough that that real banks loaned tons of money.

It’s amazing to me how no one is demanding that ICE come in and ship her off. It must be nice to be a white woman. You can blatantly rip people off, without remorse, then profit from your crime.

Cy Vance is part of the problem. Not only did he drop the case against trumps, he also dropped the case against weinstein in 2015 after getting him on tape sexually harassing the Italian actress who bravely wore a wire. Leaving weinstein 3 more years to terrorize women.

Anna and Lindsey are a match made heaven.

For those who want to know more about the Cy Vance/Ivanca &Don Jr. mysteriously dropped case I was referencing (not mysterious, the Trumps paid him off), please read this...

The part that sucks is how those hotels would not give a free glass of water to most people. But once they even suspect you are a high roller, they will climb over each other to lick your sphincter.

Let’s not leave out the empire that is Andy Cohen.

Idk. This may be stretching it. Maybe one could view her as a modern day American capitalist Robin Hood. She did steal from the rich, but there are probably quite a few service workers, etc. who could make their rent with less hassle. And, sure she gave money to some fancy stores. I mean, look at Sophia Amoruso: she

As much as this woman is full of shit, the real harm seems to be the butthurt of all the people and businesses (in NEW YORK, even—the city of savvy, street smart folks who claim to know better!) that fell for said shit. WhoTF is running the Howard hotel? You let someone rack of $30K because she has an air of

“The photographer tried to explain: “She’s a grifter,” he said. The man was confused. “So what?” he asked. The photographer tried, again, to explain, adding that she said she was a German heiress.”