
We treat the US dairy farmers like shit because that’s what they are. We have regulations and laws here in Canada that ban the use of growth hormones in dairy farms, because it effects the humans that eventually consume the dairy products. The USA does not ban the use of growth hormones in dairy, so when an American

Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning.

The worst dictators in history did exactly what Donald Trump and his administration are doing right now - the people who committed mass torture and genocide and enslaved people. The people who are read about in text books while readers shake their heads and wonder how they were able to obtain and maintain power and

This ninja is cancelled. If you choose to support him/his music, you deserve to get all the disgruntlement and disappointment your heart can hold.

Fuck Kanye.

I was thinking the same thing..... can we all please ignore this weirdo

I thought we canceled Kanye because of his Trumphumping.

Is anyone surprised Amber Marchese is a Trump supporter? 

Stay pissed, Roseanne. You and your horrible son.

I am curious about just what the danger was to his family that made him go into aggressive protection mode? Was it the presence of non-white people?

Brown people obviously... Fuck this dude.

That was a code-phrase that MAGA folk smile knowingly upon hearing.

ewwww what a gross and bloated pile of human shit this dude is

What he thinks is these “damn US ethnic minorities making their travel temporarily inconvenienced”.

What he thinks is these “damn US ethnic minorities making their travel temporarily inconvenienced”.

“European American”

Another day, another worthless, soulless European American exposing himself...

ewwww what a gross and bloated pile of human shit this dude is

Soooo, according to his version/logic, he tried to help the family multiple times for free but they would only let him help after he’d demanded money? Sure, Jan.