
It’s been referenced a ton of times, in different mediums, been brought up numerous times in regards to her character etc. This must be your first day on the internet. Welcome. It must have been lonely in the woods. Glad you joined us. We are the same age p.s., so thats a shitty excuse.

This is about Trump hating to watch black men standing up for the Black Lives Matter movement because he is racist. He doesn’t care about America or football. He wants to dominate and spread his message of hatred.

Old people use Twitter, even the none famous ones. Statistically, the Roseanne revival was most popular with viewers in their 50's.

My friend made a good point the other day....kneeling ball players look like they are PRAYING. Why don’t they just say they are PRAYING during th the stupid song? They can say they are praying for LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

This. The very people who gobbled up the reboot because it validated thier ignorance are the same ones posting about how black athletes who kneel for the anthem should be fired at best. NEVER let these people fucking forget Roseanne’s Super Bowl anthem performance. Burn it into thier brains forever. Just play it on

and she won’t support Roseanne Barr having free speech?

I think all citizenships should be cancelled and reacquired only after passing the written test.

I can’t even with people saying Roseanne’s cast mates are stifling her free speech. She has free speech, but so does everyone else. No government officer is knocking down her door to give her problems, silence her, or lock her up. The first amendement only protects you from the government, not from being shit-canned

Because it never really *was* about “respecting our troops” or “respecting our anthem.” They just hate to see black men protesting during their “Murica/football/fuck ya!!” jerk fest.

I mean, they won’t be. She said horribly racist things that violate twitters policy yet here we are.

Oh, they’re going with the “freedom of speech” argument again. I think the USA needs to be shut down for a day and everyone be taught what that actually means.

I find it amazing that the same group of people defending her are the people so aghast at Colin Kaepernick kneeling. Do people not remembering her butchering the national anthem at a baseball game followed by spitting and grabbing her crotch? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Trump and KK were made for eachother.

Pence would likely be easier to defeat in the next election.

In the short term, yes, we would be stuck with a potentially more terrible president than before (of course impeachment assumes a Dem controlled congress, so he might not get much done!). But in the long term, it could be much worse.: If this kind of stuff is allowed to slide, it sets an awful precedent for the future

The president of the United States is a whiney cunt.

“Kim Kardashian arrived at the White House today to discuss prison reform”

Her usual distraction technique is to put out photos of herself. I guess her new move is to meet other D-listers who wield undeserved and unexplainable influence. SHE has to be the one to meet him - not someone who can speak to criminal justice reform and prison reform? She’s going a long way to distract from her

Great stuff, Kelly. I really like the Union Jack blanket.

This is a picture taking/PR event for both of them. They both need way too much validation and attention. The Orange Hand puppet will behave himself because it’s a photo op , well unless he gets her alone. Heck, if he did I wouldn’t put it past Pimpmomager Kris to use Silicone Barbie(Kim) to try to supplant Eastern