
Fuckboy is a cleaned up word for Faggot. As a latina, I equate it to Puto or Maricon. I’m sure there are multiple origins but one of those stems from prison for an inmate that is passed around and raped. It is interesting to see the evolution and appropriation by different groups, but fuck it is a horrible word.

No joke. I wanted to do this after I finished high school but my parents talked me out of it. It still fascinates me but the shit that goes on is too much.

sssshhhh, no room for a rational arguments. She had been deemed Basis and Beige, no saving her now.

Let’s start taking bets!!!! My money’s on Emma Watson!

Ohhh Anne Hathaway, the woman we hated before Jennifer Lawrence, whom we hated before Amy Schumer, whom we hated before Taylor Swift.

I believe that is her mom. So....yeah?

Hmmm, pretty sure Minaj picked out the pose, as per the museum’s guidelines. She expressed her approval, calling it iconic. So idiot public does what idiot public will do.

Nope. Pretty sure their cackling is pretty genuine.


Love it! I hope that shuts up people clucking away about her speaking voice.


Thank you, you are very sweet for doing that. However, I rarely comment unless I see something that makes me strain my eyeballs from rolling them so hard.

I feel meh about them, I am disgusted with the coverage I acknowledge that by even expressing an opinion I am feeding into this mess. But I don’t think you and I will ever see eye to eye on this.

Totally agree with you. Sadly, the media (including this site) loves the stories it can bleed out of the whole spectacle surrounding this family. There are only so much articles you can write about how much you hate them, but here’s the kicker: if you not only write about their exploits,and ALSO about the (negative)

are you asses complaining about her eyes serious?

while it’s hyperbolic to say her whole careerand persona is based on her augmented rear— I realize that she’s also a bit of a coward. I could not even imagine to begin the uproar if her remarks had alluded to Beyonce instead. seems she went for the low hanging fruit on this—the beige basic white girl. I guess she

Taking maca has been great for me.

and she knows it! she really is a snobby bitch. completely refuses to give any other dogs the time of say. she will climb up to a higher surface and just give them the side eye. I am afraid I didn’t make her socialize with other dogs early enough. I guess we shall all simply have to bask in her beauty.

she woke up like this

I personally like to prepare my avocado using my teeth and gnawing at it.