
That is truly a cute baby, that twinkle in her eye is so endearing.

Yikes such contempt toward someone deemed so unremarkable. Truly the premise of the book is crap, the book is crap, and the movie will probably be crap. However, the book sold copies and we live in a world where Susie Bright does not get enough love. I am more disappointed in consumers than some actress who is just

Learn to love them. It's also a beauty trend in S. Korea. Probably.


All this seems masturbatory. The debate is so focused on women and their bodies and how we see fit to use them, that I fail to detect any eroticism in this balls to the wall exhibitionist exploitation masking as sexuality that we either ardently support or bemoan. It is, at its core, the most cynical of conceits. The

the thing is that once the child is out of the womb, all that supposed concern vanishes and they no longer give a fuck. These so called pro-life mouthbreathers do not even consider quality of life. indeedd, on some level i think they glorify pain and hardship on an celestial orgasmic level, making them some of the

it has definitely improved due to a generational shift, but consider that among Hispanics the overall support for Democrats over Republicans is 2 to 1. Plenty of angry abuelitas and abuelitos tonight though. This shift towarda normalizing relations, it is about time and Democrats were never going to win this

As a woman I cannot agree with this sentiment. If we treat men as if they were children then we don'the ask them to mature and contribute because we have set such low expectations from the beginning. This starts with parents who somehow expect their little girls to be the mature responsible ones while the little boy

The Cubans in Little Havana still remember what they consider the betrayal by Kennedy during the failed Bay of Pigs operation. They do not forget and do not forgive and have therefore been heavily pro-republican ever since. As someone that grew up in Miami, I expect effigies of the president to burn down there

this, so much this.

Whatever works. My husband and I knew pretty early on that we wanted to share our lives. I was never a romantic, but I can say with all honesty that things just clicked for us.

Nothing yet on the juiciest bit of gossip? I was looking forward to this site's take on the Scott Rudin/Amy Pascal clusterduck.

please shut up.

yes yes she does. bless her.

bless you

You know, I am aware of my ingrained dislike for the family (to the point that when I see images of them I think of and smell sausages, floppy greasy sausages from 7-Eleven). I loath myself for it. I shouldn´t be so petty. And yet, even when I try to push the loath away and give an honest assessment, I simply see

I love you for pointing this out.