
During the course of reporting this story, I heard a whole lot of horrible stories that I couldn’t share here, either because I couldn’t corroborate them with multiple sources or because publishing them would risk the identities of my sources. (Protecting sources is always my number one priority when it comes to

Former employee here and although I was not interviewed for this article (wasn’t aware it was even under investigation) I can say that there are countless more horrible stories that can be added. This is just a peek into it. I feel relieved that the industry is finally shedding light on his behavior. I feel bad for

Mario can’t die.

The reactivation caches I mentioned might be for you. They explained them in the stream as being for people who hit level 30 (which you can do pretty easily just by playing through the campaign). They contain three full gearsets (Firecrest, Striker and one more (I thought they said “defense” but that’s not the name of

Women in videogames have no choice, because they’re fictional characters that have as much agency as their writers/creators/the script gives them.

I love you.

Are we doing this? Because if we’re doing this then we’re going to have to address the elephant in the room:

Of course everyone’s playing Moira... she’s a healer who’s powered by salty Genji tears.

If you sink 400$ into a game like this you shouldn’t demand a refund, you should seek out help.

The dog wearing makeup will forever haunt my dreams.

The makers of the game are under no obligation to pay for the sins of the originators of this art style.

Now this is a good dilemma.

Would have been better to have it “Believe, doubt, accuse.” Good Cop and Bad Cop convey tone but hardly express what the player will actually be doing.

I’ve been working with Cecilia on this story since Thursday, when I warned her that things would likely blow up over the weekend and that she might have to work Saturday and Sunday. Which she of course agreed to do immediately, because she is a trooper. Her hard work is the reason that this story is more thorough than

I mean, I really like the Mercy we got, but I’d be all for this version coming along as a high end skin with custom voice/sound effects. The fan base would get in a tizzy over that.

I actually compete at Smash monthly. And I enjoy how seriously you are taking this very, very serious list. Have a great day, IceSprite!

No clue, just found it on my desk.

Was thinking the same thing. From what I’ve read, the team puts a lot of effort into making sure characters are recognizable (even in alt costumes) and easily differentiated from one another. But it’s still really really cool and I especially love the inspiration (betta fish)

Every big new game gets PC performance threads on forums like NeoGAF and Reddit. If your game isn’t running well, visit those threads and skim them until you find people who claim they’re having no problems. These posts are easy to find, because they’re always some variation of: