Enjoying it too.
Enjoying it too.
Annoyed the fuck out of me. Only because such stupidity got covered by larger medias and the store saw it as a pr stunt, not as a goodwill.
Those aren’t stickers. It’s wrapping paper.
calling for the car. :)
oh my that would be so awesome...
He also implied that skin-showing women streamers are partially responsible for continued online harassment of women, claiming that their behavior encourages people to keep saying stuff like, "show ur boobs" to any women streamers they might come across.
ten times this this this! It is NOT the womens fault, it's not them behaving the wrong way! And also; We live in a society where sex is a big thing - including being a selling point. For those girls in those kind of streams, that's their selling point - that doesn't mean the next female streamer uses that as selling…
"You're benefiting yourself at the cost of condemning your own gender," he said. "If another female is streaming, playing in non-provocative attire with her attention on the game, she will be subject to the same torment that you get when you just flaunt your body... You are creating a standard for the female streamers…
In it, Williams argued that women who don't cover up—who use Twitch overlays that focus more on their physical characteristics than games—are trading credibility for popularity, for easy hits from horny dudes. In doing so, he claimed, they aren't just hurting themselves, but all women streamers.
are you kidding me? I had a silver slim PS2 with a controller. Sadly when it stopped being able to play PS2 games (PS1 games it did fine) I packed it away, trashed it or gave it away - honestly I can't remember. :/
whatever dude.
you shouldn't kotaku abandoned it years ago by dropping the 1-10 scale score - eurogamer did it too not long ago.
Well, the story isn't all that long as I stated. Taking a look at the trophies and what collectibles I encountered, it can be finished (trophy-wise) by doing chapters after finishing the game the first time. While I might replay the game in a couple years to experience the story again, it's not a game that I will…
just giving people a chance to see the opposite opinion.
perhaps. :)
I awarded it editor's choice. different people, different opinions.
A game does not need a multiplayer to be decent. I prefer they DONT have it.
Yeah Evolve is bad at doing that, but I wouldn't call it the worst offender to be honest.
culture wars stuff? do explain.