
@Brian A: The problem is that the gaming industry as a whole is freaking out - it is in a state of panic, level 5 alert.

Due to sales, both digital and retail, the worth of a games price is declining rapidly. So less and less people are buying on day one or even within the first month of release. Only Nintendo has been

It even slides with the right back leg and recovers from that. It's impressive tech.

The DmC game, wasn't that a totally new game in the universe for the now old gen consoles? I am aware of the announcement for DmC getting a port to the new consoles, but since you said it was bollocks, I assume you're kind of tester for them since the game isn't out?

aint devil ay cry 4 and dmc the one and same?

the lack of info on where to buy the limited edition is worse.

yeah, id prefer this over the official one to be honest. That mask is scary! xD

Brutal, right? Fortunately, Chan's having a good time with it all. He posted the above video himself with the title "Amaz = Angry Chicken?!" and has been tweeting about his already infamous defeat.

I don't understand why you can't see the reason behind it

Asking might make you look like a fool but only for dumbest assholes. There's nothing wrong with asking. Everyone knows different things depending on interest.

I wouldn't assume so at all, but I would check what the box contained. Or expect the clerk to inform me when I am about shell over the money.

This is the same reason that many printer companies in years haven't been including the printer cable with their printers.

That's the parents/buyers fault - not the company. I think it's fine that the company sells the handhelds without the adapter if the old adapter from earlier systems fits. After all, most of the buyers are loyal fans which has the adapter anyway.

The sellers - retail stores - has to be informative of the box not

sure. If you can live without the items from the company. or go buy it used when possible, company will not see a dime anyway.

"This 3DS doesn't come with a power plug?" wrote one Twitter user last December. "Santa brought a 3DS and Yokai Watch 2: Shinuchi to my son," wrote another on Christmas Day. "But, it doesn't come with an AC adapter?!" Getting a present and then realizing you need to buy a plug so it'll keep working—what a drag!

no, the joke is clearly getting old and out of trend.

utter panic. thats what you get for lying lol

the death penalty could be that you had to start over from last checkpoint, which you already do. The loss of ammo is just making it even harder to beat.

As much as I love it, Destiny is riddled with flaws, many of which Bungie doesn't seem all that interested in addressing. Most of them—like how you still lose ammo when you die—are things players can't do anything about. But the game's lack of matchmaking for its most challenging missions—one of its most glaring

you can't enable a thing like that, so if something like that has been added (can't see it to be honest), it has been done in after editing.

works fine for me, the time I've played it.