
And I find it impossible to believe Lara Trump is 35. She looks like she’s pushing 70. 

I’m with you. Every time I get hit on a guy who’s old enough to be my father, I’m more grossed out than flattered.

Wouldn't hackers still be able to access the deleted emails if they really wanted to? When Mary W. Winstead's nude photos were hacked, she said those pictures had been deleted years before, and apparently that was no obstacle for the hackers.

Perhaps you were mad because your parents saw more of themselves in me than you and so liked me more and you were resentful. There are many reasons why weaker people dislike strong people: jealousy, misunderstandings, hatred of what's different.

Conservative Fact Check.
Check in here if you dislike facts.

I often think the same thing about the entire Republican Party. It has to be a parody, only it's not.

This story doesn't answer the most important questions, such as: When is his baby due? Who's the mother?

I hate Windows 8: it's counter-intuitive and cumbersome and, yes, I miss a real start button. What little I've seen of the 8.1 version (I've only had it for a couple of days) doesn't mitigate my profound dislike.

These people provide further evidence that bigotry and ignorance often go hand in hand.

There's a huge difference that this website neglects to mention: those authors based their own works on books that are on the public domain and therefore, by definition, fair game. That's certainly not the case with 50 Shades of Grey.

"This is a good time to remind everyone that there is no scientific evidence linking video games to violence."

First the glowing profile of Asma al-Assad and now this? Me thinks Anna Wintour has lost her marbles.

Yeah, I know. I was just making fun of his name. It's just a lot of these guys seem to have names that are just so... Republican. Like Reince Priebus.

Guns don't kill people. Video games kill people.

It's not all his fault. When your parents name you Freemont V. Brown III, odds are, you're going to turn into that kind of guy.

The Fox loonies are so damn predictable. It's the media, the gays, the computer games! Strange how other countries have media, gays and violent computer games, yet these things never or very rarely happen there. The difference, of course, is they have stricter gun laws, but we can't talk about that, because being "a

I'm with your friend. Her face is oddly asymmetrical and she resembles a young Liza Minelli. If she weren't famous, nobody would give her a second look.

I thought exactly the same thing - especially after Gawker posted this story a on Todd Akin's comments.