ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

Just wanted to let you know: the later slayer gates are an absolute blast.

FYI: played it more, got all the tools, and I take back everything I said: the game is an absolute blast and I am completely in love now. Particularly the fourth slayer gate: I honestly can’t remember the last time I had that much fun in a shooter. But holy hell, I also cannot remember the last time I was so exhausted

Kind of? “Harder” isn’t really the right way to describe: I’d say “a lot more mechanically intensive. In Doom2016, even on Nightmare you could just pull out the SSG and run-and-gun even if it wasn’t optimal. You will absolutely not be able to that here. But if you learn the mechanics, it’s absolutely a blast.

Haven’t gotten to the Marauder yet, but I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints about how you go about fighting him, because it’s a radically different strategy than basically every other non-boss enemy in the game.

Well part of what makes things fall into place is the progression and actually *getting* the whole kit. Some of the mechanics start out bordering on non-optional during the early levels because you have so few options, and it’s only once you actually start getting key components of your arsenal (especially the rocket

Currently playing through on Nightmare, and I still don’t know how I feel about this game. They obviously put a LOT of thought into every aspect of the design, and it shows, but something about it’s still not connecting with me.

But are they RGB?

Winner of the “Sum up what’s wrong with America in one tweet” contest right there.

Couple of thoughts:

My hope is that Bernie uses the debate to try and come to some sort of unifying “gentleman’s agreement” with Biden involving progressive policy concessions that will placate his rabid followers. Anything else at this point would be idiotic, because barring some sort of black swan event, the math is just not on his

Sure, but you have to pay $60 a month and also supplant a legitimately-elected pro-gamer South American government with a puppet regime using hacks (to maintain plausible deniability).

Breast milk is food and baby shit is the exact opposite of food, so yeah, terrible comparison.

I didn’t realize Kanye’s ego was a communicable disease.

I’m neither surprised nor upset. Now they’re all on record green-lighting Trump’s behavior, and anything that comes out between now and election day - new scandal, new evidence of past corruption/attempts to sway the 2020 election, whatever - and they can no longer hide behind equivocation. This vote forced them from

By riling up Trump’s base, she managed to take Trump’s SOTU address and get conservative media outlets focusing on her instead.

Honestly, Bethesda’s handling of this game has been such a shitshow that I’d half expect installing it to accidentally delete my entire Steam library.

I think part of the reason she’s doing this is because if Sanders wins the nomination and then goes on to win the presidency, then it somewhat - not entirely, but somewhat - vindicates the “Bernie woulda won” crowd. So I think she’s trying to doing what she can to put her thumb on the scale against Bernie, in the

Now playing

Spent way, way too much time to get this achievement:

The children’s mother reported Buchanan to child welfare officials