Rehashing this bullshit 2 weeks out from from the Iowa caucus when Bernie has potentially even a stronger chance of winning it all is proof that she’s either some sort of brilliant 4D chess grandmaster troll, or dumber than a stump.
Rehashing this bullshit 2 weeks out from from the Iowa caucus when Bernie has potentially even a stronger chance of winning it all is proof that she’s either some sort of brilliant 4D chess grandmaster troll, or dumber than a stump.
“Female anatomy” is not a single, uniform entity that every cis woman possesses in exactly equal amounts - it can vary fairly significantly from person to person. And in fact, lowering T levels and raising E levels does in fact do quite a lot of work towards making a body female (which is why trans women do it in the…
Split the difference and go for 1440p at 120hz =P
Just because someone is hormonally within range TODAY absolutely does not prove that they were within range last week, for the past six months, or the past 10 years.
Now there’s a look that screams “freshman philosophy major obsessed with how rational and logical he is.”
Haha seriously, what the hell does my politics have to do with this???
Vatican III: This Time It’s Personal
That’s the joke, more or less. There’s nothing in her original Harry Potter series that points to Dumbledore’s sexual orientation, and after facing criticism for a lack of LGBTQ characters, she made him gay out of the blue. Which isn’t necessarily a problem, but kind of ironic in this context.
Biological sex is (It is not as simple as XX/XY, but it is a thing).
When I think sex at birth is unchangable based on your genetic makeup that is uncontroversial
So you can make Dumbledore gay, but you can’t make him a woman.
To say “sex” is unchangible is not inaccurate, as of today we cannot change our genetic makeup. Its not possible, if you die and your genetics are tested even after transitioning you’ll be identified biologically as what you were born as.
It’s one of the most unsettling and frankly misogynistic lore elements of the game.
Nah, Mallow’s the bouncy one:
Now there’s a gif that makes me ashamed of my words and deeds.
I was literally going to pull out my Switch and buy this until I read your comment.
who lied so frequently and so badly that it caused his marriage to dissolve and jury to consider his lying to get his wife to marry him equivalent to fraud
It’s a real tragedy too, because somewhere lurking underneath is a good (maybe even great) game. The backstory and setting is actually somewhat interesting, the environments are fun to wander around, some of the bases and “lairs” for certain missions are actually really cool and well-designed, and The Guy From The…