ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

If they stopped talking about games developed or published by problematic companies, they’d have nothing to talk about.

I wonder if there will ever be an article that doesn’t mention Diablo IV.

You really lean hard on that whole Metacritic thing despite it being very unreliable. It got lots of praise because it was a self-insert Harry Potter game of at least decent quality. I can’t say a lot of other games listed were deserving because I didn’t play them (and thus didn’t vote in a number of categories), but

“Hogwarts Legacy”

LOL. Oh god no. Not by a LONG SHOT. I’d put Starfield before that and I thought Starfield was “ok”. That’s funny though.

I guess Hogwarts Legacy was a game of the year 2023, in the sense that it came out in 2023 and is a game.  If you listed all of the 2023 video games in order of quality, it would appear somewhere on the list (but absolutely nowhere near the top.)

I love how Jerykk got quoted, and in his own quote shows why Hogwarts shouldn’t have been nominated lol.

Too little too late. They’d have to do a dozen things to fix the game to bring me back. I posted this awhile ago on a different post but it got no traction so I’ll post it again.

People are still taking about Tears of the Kingdom 6 months after it was released. People talked about Breath of the Wild for YEARS. When a game has cultural impact, people talk about it. Hogwarts only had significance BECAUSE of the controversy, and once that was done, it was forgotten.

Not sure why you think it’s absurd. I dont think I’ve ever heard “we strongly take into consideration the results on rotten tomatoes”, however I have heard about people literally basing votes on the pre screenings that they could actually be bothered to watch.

You have also done nothing to prove that it is a well crafted game that is superior to it’s counterparts in any category other than popularity. Oscars are not tailored towards indies, they are tailored towards movies that take their craft seriously. Interesting to know that The Return of the King was a small niche

You’re mentioning metacritic a lot and I’m trying to explain that neither the Oscars nor the TGAs are looking at critical reviews to decide who to nominate. I dont think a poorly reviewed game has won an award either? I think you’d have to back to the Spike awards for that and they were an entirely different beast, so

It’s just wild that you are on one hand saying that HP deserves some sort of recognition because of its sales figures and general positive reviews, and then acknowledge that this exact logic doesn’t apply to other industry award shows like the Oscars. It is almost like industry people have different criteria other than

Wait, you’re stanning this hard for a game THAT YOU DIDNT EVEN PLAY?! JFC you’re just the worst lol. This just in Jerykk is mad that Endgame wasn’t nominated for eleventybillion Academy awards because it was clearly the best reviewed and most watched movie that year.

It would be funny if it weren’t so fucking sad.

Well, there’s the fact that I haven’t heard a single word about either since they were released. This isn’t an academic thesis. I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with proof of something that is obvious to anyone paying attention.

Sorry, but you can’t just add together subjective data and magically make it objective. That’s asinine.

Do me a favor, play the game. Tell me that if you were picked as a judge based on experience and expertise that it would warrant a spot on this list before any of the other games (or any of the 68 higher rated games on Metacritic this year). I’m gonna tell you, mass appeal is often momentary and reactionary and there

Ok, so you don’t know what “objective” means. Reviews are inherently subjective, and a game about a popular IP is going to be reviewed by fans of that IP so they’re extra subjective.

Who’s still talking about Hogwarts, though? Who’s complimenting anything about its gameplay? You’re talking about it, sure, but you’re immediately going meta: big numbers!

But that’s assuming the VGA is purely about picking Metacritic numbers, and if that was the case, then it would be a simple numerical game of aggregating. Once again, Metacritic scores aren’t aimed towards specific components of games and largely just aggregate reviewers who are willing to provide scores, which

You haven’t even played the bloody thing, if anyone has an agenda here it is you.