That wombo with McCree is clever, but dayum if it isn’t the sort of “WHY THE FUCK CAN’T I MOVE!!!” sort of play that makes you want to snap your keyboard in half.
That wombo with McCree is clever, but dayum if it isn’t the sort of “WHY THE FUCK CAN’T I MOVE!!!” sort of play that makes you want to snap your keyboard in half.
This, a thousand times. This is 100% the kind of active response to these idiots that actually accomplishes something. Take the wind out of their sails, rather than shouting a gust of air into them.
Who’s pretending they don’t exist? Of course they exist. But they existed before 2016, and they’ll continue to exist long after Trump croaks. No amount of protesting is going to change that fact, because you can’t protest shitty ideology out of existence. Keyboard warrior invective isn’t going to change that fact…
Oh come on, this isn’t Kristallnacht. It’s not even Charlottesville: it’s the usual suspects of right wing scammers and grifters trying to fleece money out of gullible morons by providing the solution to a nonexistent problem.
In the lead-up to his resignation, women in the Senate were asked “every day, multiple times a day” about Franken.
she’s done some shitty things while streaming
I mean, I could understand the reticence towards trans-inclusive language from a purely pragmatic “numbers” perspective, as anyone who would consider it a positive change was already voting in favor of reproductive rights.
and Blizzard doesn’t care
“Overreaction” in this case meaning “people taking a moment to giggle at how pathetic this is and then moving on with their day.”
Should all roles calling for an “Irish Woman” actually employ only Irish women or will anyone who can pull off the accent and is willing to color her hair do?
Honestly, I’d be all for her playing the part provided that she admitted that the only reason she gives a shit is because it’s classic Oscar bait.
Seriously. If there was ever a valid reason to give a free pass to a less-than “ideal” candidate, unseating Mitch would be it.
I’ve seen demonic portals in video games and movies that looked less hellish than those eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah.”
When it’s down to Bernie and one other player in Fortnite, he intentionally loses so he’s not in the top 1%.