Seriously. Like, I don’t care if the game is “good” now: I’m not forking over another $40 to finally get the caliber of game I paid $60 dollars for at launch.
Seriously. Like, I don’t care if the game is “good” now: I’m not forking over another $40 to finally get the caliber of game I paid $60 dollars for at launch.
this radical work of healing the deepest wounds on this earth
I think once the dust settles and the sting of losing ground in the Senate/high profile races wears off, there will be a lot more good news coming from ballot initiatives and local races.
It’s an acronym that means “Definitely Advocate Dworkin”
I mean, isn’t there a concern that kids who are into gaming get attracted to online personalities like Pewdiepie who then utilize Nazi imagery and say racial slurs and then go “it’s just a joke, bro!” And then some of those make heel turns and actually do start promoting white nationalist ideas?
The article mentions Steve Bannon but doesn’t mention his semi-infamous “rootless white males” comments where he specifically states that his goal is radicalizing “mobilizing” a certain subset of gamers for political causes.
In an effort to be more sensitive and tolerant, the EPA will issue an order stating that from now on, all racist slurs must be written on blackboards.
That’s... honestly kind of shocking.
Well I was thinking most in terms of PvP. But honestly it’s hard to say because Launch Vanilla was such a different beast than Patch 1.12 Vanilla, and after so many years it all starts to blend together in the mind. It might have not been until even Wrath that “off specs” really became viable in raid settings for…
Vanilla had atrocious balance *at release*. By the time they got to Patch 1.12 (which is what Classic is going to run AFAIK) it was extremely improved, without being as homogenized as it is now.
I’d imagine the main audience is PvPers, because that’s what contains the thing I miss most about Vanilla: actual separation between the classes, rather than the “40 CCs and a Self-Heal” everyone gets nowadays. And that’s the kind of content you can play over and over again, because the “encounters” are not going to…
Both sides have committed physical acts of retaliation. Therefore, both sides are literally exactly the same. And obviously the only solution is to not vote.
I just wanna know how many steps down the ladder from the C-Suite you have to go before finding somebody who knew this was a terrible idea. Because *somebody* at Blizzard has to understand 1) that a lot of gamers weren’t going to like this and B) how gamers tend to respond to things they don’t like.
Heroic Warfronts
My money is still on Splinter being a secret Denton plot to rehabilitate Gawker’s image by virtue of being so godawful.
It’s gotta be weird with the typical “racist piece of shit uncle” dynamic being totally inverted
But the gameplay for regular FE games is turn-based strategy (AFAIK), which translates well to touch controls (and the series was always kinda portable anyway since it was on the DS). Hardcore Diablo fans who are used to playing with a mouse/keyboard or a controller to perform moves in real time might be put off with…
...that’s a good point.
I don’t really know who comprises the market for this game. I feel like most mobile gamers are going to be oblivious to its existence, and regular gamers/Diablo fans are going to be put off by a watered-down version of a game with microtransactions. And even if there was some fanbase of people clamoring for Diablo…