Yeah no thanks. A liar is a liar is a liar, and just because we share peepee parts doesn’t mean I’m going to join the Sisterhood Of The Flaming Pants.
Yeah no thanks. A liar is a liar is a liar, and just because we share peepee parts doesn’t mean I’m going to join the Sisterhood Of The Flaming Pants.
I’m really glad that Michelle Wolf is sticking to her guns and not backing down in any way from her performance, because Colbert got the same kind of bullshit back in 2006 and now it’s regarded as one of, if not the, best WHCD routines out there.
She had the choice of either doing as expected and complimenting the emperor’s new clothes, or telling him that his dumb ass is butt naked.
It’s yet another desperate attempt by conservatives to wag the dog and act like liberals are the ones who really hate women to distract from their horridly anti-woman policies.
Haha really? That logic is so fucking tortured it may violate the Geneva Convention.
People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.
Well for starters, Tom Brokaw isn’t trying to claim that somebody hacked into his penis.
I can’t dig it.
Consummate justice for the American people.
Given all the objectifying photos of her nude butt, I’m guessing this is an attempt to get as close to literally making an ass of herself as is possible.
I’m guessing he has a new album coming out soon?
And people like your brother kinda also demonstrate the problem with taking things too far: if you make the violence so lurid and over-the-top, they start disconnecting the show from the real issues in our society that inform its premise. So if the goal is to highlight the very real threat to reproductive rights in…
Wow, aortic dissection is... no joke. I’m glad to hear that he’s seemingly out of the woods though.
No one ever got pregnant from information.
I feel like “as a mom” and similar sentiments is the education/knowledge version of “I’m not racist, but...” in the sense that nothing good ever follows it.
Blitz, I understand.
The ultimate version of “DOWNLOADERS WILL BE KICKED”
1) I wonder if he’ll actually get sensation out of it.