Nah. She just learned that she ought to keep those shitty attitudes towards trans women to herself if she doesn’t want to spend her career putting out transphobia brush fires. After the fact she went through the motions to make the controversy go away, but AFAIK she’s never had any sort of substantial ‘come to Jesus’…
Jason Schreier - Chief Shade Editor
Basically because something like 95% of the fights you’ll get into are far enough away where ARs beat out SMGs by a laughable margin. It’s not really a weapon-balance problem so much as it’s the reality of gameplay that’s centered around long-range combat.
Kind of a massive indirect nerf to the AWM as well, considering that it’s the only gun in the game that’s a 1 hit kill with a headshot on a level 3 helmet (other than the crossbow). But even a Kar98k will do that to a level 2 helmet.
I’m not sure if I should read this article with an open mind or an open mouth.
Not really my sort of bag, but I hope kids and others have fun with it <3
It’s Haldir of Lorien!
Well, my sex drive was nice while it lasted.
Another example of the liberal assault on campus freeze peach.
It’s also kind of the elephant in the room vis a vis the competitive games and tournaments that Bluehole is trying to push - sometimes you lose simply because you get really, really unlucky. Which is why I think Greene went for the more aggressive “git gut” response rather than acknowledging that there is a lot more…
It’s how radicalization works. You take white boys/young men who either can’t get laid at all or can’t get the dime pieces they think they deserve, and then present them with a bunch of scapegoats (feminism, “diversity”, etc.) for why their [sex] lives suck. There’s a reason why they’re so obsessed with with the word…
Given the way the ‘alt-right’ in our country is seemingly fueled by the sexual frustrations of young men, it’s pretty frightening to think about what will arise in these countries when the problem is actually real rather than imagined. Whatever happens, it probably won’t be good for women...
I liked Lil Tay when she was called Tiny Tina:
If I had to guess, I would say that chasing the Battle Royale trend is probably what killed the singleplayer campaign... they probably had a decent chunk of it done and then decided to shift all the resources to making that instead. Can’t really say I blame them
This causes me physical pain.
I would be more forgiving if he backed up his scientific assertions with actual data or reasoning, rather than “I’m a geologist”.
Shoulda been a box.