ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

You’re thinking of the 2nd wave. Sex-positivity is very much a 3rd wave phenomenon.

If you’ve ever played the Devil May Cry or God of War series and liked those, you’ll probably enjoy them.

Two of the dipshit senators who were there pulled the classic Sessions cop out (“I can’t recall”) for a meeting that they had literally like the previous day. Which of course in context means “he absolutely said it but I don’t want to lie in case there are tapes showing how full of shit I am.”

I mean, I wish her all the success in life in general, but holy shit no. This is America, and you fucked with The Troops. In America, The Troops are the most important group of people to pretend to give a shit about, and if you do anything bad to The Troops (other than letting them rot on the streets with homelessness

Destiny is like if Peter Molyneux made the original Halo trilogy.

Yeah but they aren’t the damn President... the standards for his role ought to be a *wee bit* higher than for the 20-something bloggers hustling for a paycheck here.

“I’ve heard of cocktail weenies, but this is ridiculous!”

Well uh... that was six months and many performance improvements ago :3

Hey I don’t make the memes: I just repost them.

What’s that? Finger-pointing and pretending like each generation doesn’t have worthless, masturbatory apsects of its ideology?

I’ve heard it argued that he’s the first “female” president in the sense that he embodies every negative stereotype we have of women, such as the irrational mood swings and lashing out.

The very stable genius is like, very stable.

I mean... good on them for publishing the rates, I guess. But they pretty much guaranteed I’ll never spend a dime on these things, because those drop rates are fucking abysmal.

The gaming community is full of people who have far more money than sense.

I think it has to do with the way they transitioned over from the 360/PS3 era to the Xbone/PS4 era, which was unique in that they didn’t really make a ‘clean break’ from the previous generation as opposed to past consoles. Many, many games saw releases for both gens during that transition period, and the graphical

Reading through that article about why it’s much better, I might have to pick up the remaster, as someone who loved the new elements of AC:BF (piracy, ship combat, etc.) and didn’t really like the typical AC gameplay elements (trailing missions, trailing missions, trailing missions, etc.).