the nose ring is a new schtick for her right? She wants to be all edgy ‘n shit?
the nose ring is a new schtick for her right? She wants to be all edgy ‘n shit?
Stephen Hawking also has come out publically against the malevolent ball of orange gas known as Donald Trump.
Stephen King (the author) is okay too. Not Steve King (the insane Congessman).
Not Steve Rogers though! (Except that bullshit Hydra!Steve.)
Too bad he burned all his bridges with Mitt Romney, I heard Romney had whole binders full of women that Trump could've used.
It’s hard to find a woman stupid and pliable enough to support Trump’s economic “policies”. Too much self-respect. Steves, on the other hand, no matter you spell it, are easy enough.
Not true. Agree it’s a stupid concept for a tv show but I am now the proud owner of hair I can wash and wear and it looks amazing, like I spent an hour doing my hair to make it look perfectly imperfect. The secret: I finally, finally, have a stylist with taste and who listens to his customers, who gave me a haircut…
I've actually spat on someone who touched my hair on the subway, albeit on their pants, not their face. When asked why I did it, I said I wanted to feel his leg.
This is why my effortless, under 1 minute style, consists of having 3/4 of my head shaved.
So, me then?
Thank you. I just read “Here Come the Janes” for my American horror story literature class and have to write a paper about how it pertains to today.
What the fuck? I felt sympathy pains to my scalp the way she was fucking TEARING up her ponytail hair.
It’s a problematic concept to begin with, effortless hairstyles in under a minute. That works for someone who knows their own hair and doesn’t care that much what it looks like.
Power to those people honestly, I don’t know if I could be strong enough to not take the money
Rich, are you sure you haven’t gotten your byline mixed up with HamNo’s?
You make living sound like it sucks.
john cena is sort of based on actual wrestler dolph ziggler who she dated. she has a bit in her standup about dating a wrestler and she talked about it on howard stern. at the time the movie came out john cena and dolph were feuding on wwe i think.