
I’m not so sure about that. Probably not if she wants to continue matriculating there.

They could. They haven’t. This is the university’s decision.


She’s free to publicize her side of the story.

Wouldn’t bother with that poster. Well know to be a self rightous, grandstanding asswipe of the highest order. Deliberately misundersting you now proves what a cockgoblin they are.

Well he is claiming in the WP article that the investigator “did not interview witnesses he believed would support his case.” and that“Officials failed to advise him that he was entitled to assistance in defending himself and to a student representative, albeit not a lawyer, to help him out.” Those seem like

I’m explaining what I think his argument is, not agreeing with it. I’m not defending him at all.

I think his argument is that he had consensual sex with a woman and that she “changed her mind” and reported him for assault, and instead of approaching the matter “objectively,” they unfairly chose to believe the female victim and kangaroo-courted him because of said “pro-female, anti-male” bias. I.E., they only

Except, he was not tried in a criminal court & found guilty of a crime. These private investigations by colleges/universities are a horrible way of handling assault cases.

I think his argument is that they’re purposely making an example of him and that they immediately (and unfairly) took the side of the female accuser rather than approaching the matter objectively, because of said anti-male bias.

What court of law found him guilty of a crime? This was all internal to Columbia by my reading of it, so he didn’t have any of the rights we expect of someone being charged with a crime, including not being allowed a lawyer, or it appears call witnesses. The lack to “due process” in these cases should raise questions.

None of these “reverse Title IX” lawsuits have worked so far. It’s just not a great argument.

BUT...a claim that has succeeded at least once before is that the school disciplinary procedures are ineffectual and can easily bias the committee or investigators against a certain type of person. And if you look at school

This is magnificent.

This sounds like a coverup to me. I assume what actually happened is that she unhinged her jaw, stretched her mouth open to the size of a manhole cover, and then seized these staffers with her tentacles, shoving their bodies whole into her gaping maw, later regurgitating their bones and clothes in compact pellets.

She is not ‘whip smart’. She makes a lot of offensive and shitty comments about a lot of people and groups of people. Sure you can say that she’s just ‘stirring up controversy’ but that is not smart to me. It’s just being an asshole and I don’t know why she’s applauded for it.

The tweets flaming Wendy Williams were fire. I swear to god black twitter is the greatest gift.

Wendy Williams’ show is just one stupid, ignorant comment after another. Now I’m wondering why she hasn’t been a host on The View.

It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.

Of course, but I recommend not pairing them with coffee unless it is iced.

This is not a question about deviled eggs! Please leave!