
Yeah, I did think that too! I debated mentioning it in my original comment but then I figured nobody would care, haha. I wonder why or how that came about in production? I mean it’s not exactly incorrect, since afaik ō and ô are both the same thing, but ô is definitely outdated and not commonly used in the classroom an

Honestly, it’s a sad fact of life (triply so in America, where your wage is usually 100% reliant on happy customers) that most server jobs require you interact socially with the customers to the extent that they dictate, within reason. I’m not saying you have to give in to the nosy old couple and their prying

I gave up on this show mid-way through season 3, but the news of JPK being Nora got me to tune in again to this season premiere, and I don’t regret it. It wasn’t difficult at all to jump right in here even after missing one and a half seasons, thankfully, and I really hope the rest of the season continues on like this!

This was such an incredibly bleak season and difficult to watch at many points, but I’m glad they didn’t pull any punches. I’m glad that they’re going all-in on “This is what happens when you throw in with fascism.” The first two seasons of this show aired before Trump, but with the world as it is right now in 2018, a

I love these writeups! Sensou koui” means “an act of war,” since you were wondering :).

Oh my god, it was so bad, it kept taking me out of the episode. I want to like Simone so much but that accent was cringe-worthy levels of atrocious. Nobody talks like that!

Me, for sure! I actually apply this to any kind of alcohol I drink. One glass of water for every glass of alcohol. Never had a bad hangover in my life.

I used to have this problem working as a waitress all the time too. Both of the above answers are correct.

Good customers who KNOW they will run into this problem will organise to be billed before anyone even arrives at the restaurant, rendering the entire argument moot. Then, as a server, when someone else at the