Cassandra Atticum

Lots of reasons. Too many people had seen Broadchurch, including every critic that previewed it and each compared it unfavorably to Broadchurch. Anna Gunn was terrible as Ellie Miller. Michael Pena was worse as Mark. The music was overbearing and sounded like a western. The pace was too fast. I still enjoyed it, but

Ha! An occasional five minute short peeking in on Miller and Hardy would be perfect!

Me, too! He is long overdue for a "regular" BAFTA!

Wow, I have never seen anyone say that. Olivia Colman is outstanding and has been in numerous dramas.

We saw the whole thing, also, and went to stage door. I gave him a birthday gift. lol. The crowd was pretty well-behaved. Some friends went to see Don Juan and noticed he increased security during the that run. Fans are getting awfully bold and inappropriate. Some woman kissed him on the cheek when he bent to do a

I did. I also watched the ABC News one. Those three are absolutely hilarious together. My kids were obsessed with DuckTales, Darkwing Duck, Rescue Rangers.

Well, as I said, some of these are "awful interrogations." And I don't know what is and is not permitted in the UK. They don't have to follow Miranda there. At any rate, I was responding to the comment that Hardy's technique is very different from what happens in his country, and I was merely saying that I have seen

I don't think David Tennant has a "type." He's extraordinarily versatile. But he's never expressed an interest in doing Macbeth, as far as I know. He played the Porter in an audioplay a long time ago. He names Iago, Malvolio, Bottom, and Angelo from Measure for Measure pretty regularly as parts he'd like to play. He's

We certainly say "Screw you." "Petal" is a name she calls people. She used it in S1, also.

Mariah Gale is something like 36. (She was David Tennant's Ophelia in Hamlet ten years ago) And I have seen several reporters/media people on twitter say it is spot on for what's going on with smaller local newspapers.

I've actually never watched that. I can't watch most police procedurals; they drive me nuts. At least with the British ones I can tell myself, "They just do things differently over there."

It's very rare for a judge to actually grant a motion to exclude a coerced statement on fifth amendment grounds. In fact, that's exactly what happened in the one I mentioned with the gas chamber threat—the recorded statement was allowed in and we got an acquittal. The jurors were appalled.

Different techniques are used for different situations. I have seen some pretty awful interrogations, with cops screaming at the suspects telling them they are going to get the gas chamber if they don't confess to something, anything. I have seen them ask, what would your mother/priest/daughter think or say? I have

I don't have a problem with an attempted suicide. I think that's realistic. Chibnall explained that he wanted to highlight the difference in the ways they dealt with their grief and to follow the arc to its conclusion. I think the bad thing was having it end on a cliffhanger.

There are moments in S2 that are great. The storyline in the first half just killed me…

Maggie used Petal a few times inS1. I think she called Ollie "Petal".

Wow. I disagree with all of that.

She and Hardy both have fantastic facial expressions. One of my fave moments came from S2 when Hardy comes home and finds Miller in his house, buzzing from having stayed up all night, drinking his tea. She pops up and he stops short. The look on both their faces—priceless.

It seems skewed because all the men (except Hardy, Paul and Mark) are those they've narrowed the list of suspects to. There were another 40-odd men at that party who were eliminated, and presumably are normal guys, plus any other man that they never showed….

My personal experience as an attorney. There are surprisingly few stats on convictions readily available.