
Suicide is something stupid that people wouldn't do if they didn't have access to a gun? More over it wouldn't happen if this one specific piece of grass was designated to be the "no-no" zone?

That may just be the stupidest thing I have read on the internet today. Congratulations.

I find it interesting that this drunk person kills themselves with a firearm and it makes the news as political fodder, but if he had driven home drunk and killed himself while also killing others, it would have barely made the news.

This political FUD is just getting old.

You have a very poor understanding of what the purpose of the Second Amendment is. It has nothing to do with protecting a hobby...

This seems a bit fake to me. There's just too many blanks here with too many usefully timed cuts/stills. I would be interested in seeing the whole raw video.

If Detroit got an F1 race half of the cars would never make the race because their tools and wheels would be stolen, the few that made it all the way to the starting grid would do so while dodging gun fire, and at the first corner the last of them would break into pieces due to the pot holes... at which point the

I would be completely happy if Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein all went into the same room, thus causing it to implode sending them all back to whatever dimension they originally came from.

That is an odd concept. You believe that it makes more sense that a politically controlled organization would not be making a politically motivated decision than one of a thousand possible other scenarios, many of which with a higher probability? What is the origin of this belief?

Bull sh*t. They were doing something stupid like car surfing and lost control. There is no way they lost brakes, couldn't leave gear, and lost the ability to kill the engine all at the same time.

Other than attempting to avoid an accident, coming in contact with another vehicle (it doesn't actually take much to change the trajectory of a truck), a mechanical failure, etc, could be to blame. Trucks can easily go over guard rails due to the size of their wheels, so simply do so does not necessarily indicate a

How on earth can you get to that conclusion without additional information? Simply crashing a vehicle does not indicate fault and medical issues are not the only plausible reason to not be at fault.

At least that would be quite the story to tell.

The result is meaningless, the cause is all the matters. I would be curious what the evidence was that she was reckless and said recklessness directly lead to the crash... although I doubt they will bother. As is typical with most police departments of late, if it hits the news, citations made are for political

Yeah, keys are "unhackable" other than by screwdrivers, bump keys, common key clones, etc.

That is true, however, the problem is that there are many times people do things that violate regulations that are not really a hazard/danger. For instance if someone rolls a stop sign at 2 MPH without traffic but failed to make a complete stop, or failed to signal over a hundred feet early (as most people do not), or

Just because someone does something more dickish doesn't make what they are doing less so.

Doing something that is "legal" can still be a dick head thing to do. It's just like the Prius drivers who pile up in the left lane and match the speed of traffic to the right because it's "legal". Still completely idiotic and dickish.

You mean other than obstructing traffic? I ride in groups all the time and we basically force people to not be idiots like this. Obstructing traffic is no better than the idiots flying by doing wheelies.

It's quite possible to do nothing dangerous or negligent and lose you license in many states. The only real reason to attempt to use it as a metric of determination is when whoever is arguing in it's favor is of the mindset "rules are rules and must never be broken" which does not actually translate into being

Clean driving record isn't really an indicator of being a good driver. Measuring a good driver is very difficult. The largest components are very hard to measure such as judgement, focus, cognitive recognition speed, etc.

Prius drivers and Camry drivers are generally lumped into the bad driver category by default

Wait a minute, this isn't the adrenaline junky line? Shit, that's what I thought I felt every time I rolled to a starting line or threw my car into a corner I was not entirely sure I could make. Guess this whole time what I thought was adrenaline was just too much coffee! Thanks for clearing that up, guess it's off to