
It makes me so sad that there were probably so many bubbly JVNs in the 80s and early 90s who got the same news at 25 and didn't live to see 30. Thank goodness (science) for HIV/AIDS research. 

Man, if she had turned around and just said “Can I fucking help you?” right into his stupid face...

That would have been awesome. 

This quote from the Times coverage really summed it all up for me:

It worked! It sunk a little in the middle, probably due to moisture, but it definitely did as it was supposed to.

My friend is a professional make-up artist and she did such an amazing thing for me this week: She showed me how to start applying make-up, and it made me feel so beautiful! I’m still too daunted by the task to do anything myself aside from the most basic look so she prettied me up properly, we both agreed that we

I think O’Rourke was simply trying to move the Overton Window. Or maybe he’s really, really, really, really, really pissed-off about harmless people being slaughtered in his hometown by a Trump-inspired racist maniac, and just spoke from the heart. Whatever the reason, though, we are long, long, long past time when

You play a Slazenger 1, don’t you Mr. Trump? This is a Slazenger 7.

Oh my god! Those eyebrows! That’s the best thing ever!

The above photo of tRumpie perfectly represents why his face is so enormously punchable.

Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

Sometimes it makes me sad though– Obama being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more gray and empty that

Trump jokes with the first responders and their families that the stage may not hold all of them but that if it collapses they “are not falling very far”

I cheer myself up as best I can in that situation by reminding myself that the fact I can still be shocked by his breathtaking selfishness, arrogance, narcissism, racism and egotism mean that I still have a shred of my soul left.

Now playing

He’d definitely press the little red button!

or your favorite president...

This is one of those situations where we have to give thanks for this administration’s blundering and incompetence. Had a savvier Secretary of Commerce started this process with more of an eye toward the guaranteed litigation over it, they could have laid down a far more solid administrative record and would have won

Oh my god. If I don’t shave my toes (and I usually don’t) the hair gets COMICALLY long. Same with my inner thigh hairs, but I just let them. I occasionally will take scissors to my pubes and give them a cheerful trim, otherwise they do snag in underwear lines and get just...too freaking long. Basically, I groom or

So you just let your shit roam free? I did that for a while because it seemed like the only option to not be scratching my junk 30x a day and then I felt like everyone had a beautifully manicured pubis, especially in summer. But no one seems nearly as stressed over it as me, which is where my confusion comes in. It’s

Guys I think I found the leaker.