
It looks like he’s leaning over the phone/tablet, and I would like some bleach to burn that image out of my brain please. 

I was confused too but then later she refused to go to a hospital when she and Bucky were talking to Sam, so I assumed she didn’t want attention drawn to her. Still an awkward few minutes of wondering. Also - where did Bucky take her? Field medicine, 1940s style?

Feeling the same way, and I’m sorry about your extra rough week. I think there will be a lot of people who are more cautious about returning to “normal” and a LOT of people who are going to be awkwardly figuring out their new comfort level with social interactions.

I saw that first pic once with the caption “when you fart in a SmartCar” and it still makes me laugh for an obnoxiously long time.

Those half-size ziplocs are clutch. When I fill up a few of those with trail mix (let’s be honest, mostly M&M’s) for my snacks for the week, for a few minutes I truly feel like I have my life together.

That cake is gorgeous! And the cookies are very pretty. I struggled with the holiday baking too. Any dessert at all this year deserves a pat on the back. We’ll rev up the machine next year.

Can I ask - by Teams chat, you mean the IM style, right? Not a video call where people drop in? I wish there was a way to recreate the multiple streams of in-person conversation when you’re on a video call.

I wonder if that’s the angle they need to persuade people: “the more of us who wear masks and stay apart, the sooner this man gets to take one (1) day off!”

The fact that someone in Biden’s team DID think of this and IS moving it forward, though... man. I still don’t know how to react to these people who appear to know what they’re doing (so far). Competence? In this day and age?!

Totally agree, and I share your frustration. I want to go see my family so so badly, but even with testing before and after, the risk of travel is too great.

You just put into words a lot of the confusion I’ve had about him for so long. How is he SO blatantly BAD at all of this and yet still keeps failing upwards?

I’m hoping it will just deliciously fall apart like Karl Rove when the results start to come in.

Has Merriam-Webster made ‘doom scrolling’ a word (phrase?) yet? If not, I assume it will be there eventually. I hate it so much and it’s so hard to avoid.

You should buy a few extra copies to make it a bigger bonfire. Are these DVDs we’re talking, or...?

Oh I like it. Going to try it next time.

Ouch, that is rough. Thank you for volunteering! It’s a futile effort to argue with them because no matter how many facts you give, they’re not going to change their minds. But sometimes I just need to get into the argument anyway. And none of us have social lives with the pandemic so you’re not alone there :/

Ha, yes! Debbie is one of my favorite villains.

The week has been shitty, I’m currently arguing with a Trumper family friend online*, and I would like nothing more than to hear your favorite quotes or parts from about the Addams Family movies/shows.

Oh I was hoping you’d made it! I’m sorry you had a rough time these first few days. It does get better as you get more settled in, and it will feel like yours soon enough! I love my place but I still second-guess myself some days (especially when something large like the water heater breaks... oy.) Glad your

Congrats! It’s scary but it’s exciting and it’s going to be a great new adventure. Take breaks and pat yourself on the back periodically for how much you’ve packed and accomplished.