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Oh my God, this sucks. This guy was a damn legendary rhymer, probably at least a top 10 all-timer. “Swan Lake” is one of my all-time jams. RIP GoG.

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One of the most underrated rappers out there. He’s probably best known for Alphabet Aerobics and Chemical Calisthenics, which were good if gimmicky, but he has some flat out great songs with Blackalicious, Quannum, and his solo albums (4th Dimensional Rocketships Going Up holds us and is a really, really good album).

I actually really like the look of everything that isn’t the front, it’s a shame the grill makes the truck entirely irredeemable. Awful.

That’s like, the most anonymous looking car ever. Even with underglow and spoon engine.

Fucking Dodge Stratus.

Wait, you think racism has only been around for 500 years? I don't want to minimize American white-on-black racism, but oppressing people different than yourself predates Columbus by a few millenia.

Still, Sheeley went on to say that Franklin wasn’t taking her medication because she was pregnant and she worried about how it might affect her child,

It seems like if your whole deal is pushing engines to the point of catastrophic failure, you should, you know, prepare for that catastrophic failure. 

This is precisely why we say all cops are bastards. These police murdered a man, lied about it, and they’re superiors did absolutely everything they could to cover it up.

I’m just here to click for glick

Glick is my pick.

I have thoughts that exist. Boy, I sure hope our tangential discussion isn’t pushing this thread higher up on the master comments list.

What are your thoughts on religion & politics? Am I doing this right?

Yes, much discussion. How about that weather?


Gotta move to accept by acclamation first! =)

Motion carries.*

Any discussion?

Yeah Glickenhaus would be a good idea. I Vote for Glickenhaus.