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Fellow NB owner here. I too put my kids in the front in their car seat, but rarely if ever do I leave the immediate neighborhood. If the street is major enough to have a yellow line, I'm hesitant. Yeah, it's an 01, but it's basically structurally the same as the first ones on 1990. You're not wrong here

I do not agree with everything you write (far from it, actually), but this:

Your second point is the big one, I think. They're going to get their money in some way, might as well get a safety inspection out of the deal

Me at the start of the song: she sounds nice.

So racial epithets are ok if you're just joking? Are you some sort of fucking idiot?

So you're saying they're going the distance? They're going for speed?

Had to check the time to see if it was 8am Eastern. Glad to see you expand your writing!

That first chapter is just a brilliant bit of writing. One of my favorites

I love me a good Deliverator reference, but this meets approximately zero of the description laid out in Snow Crash

God damnit! I was finally going to watch that this weekend!

We go over this every. Single. Year. Go to a automotive website on race day, you're going to see headlines on races. Don't go to espn if you're going to watch the game later. Don't go to jalopnic if you're going to watch the race later. The whole damn website isn't waiting on you. 

Someone pointes out somewhere that the brand loyalty to tesla is low, and not many people buy another from the brand. Citation needed, obviously

With this gesture, they are trying to draw attention to the fight against racism. Russia has a different mentality....”

He had clearly achieved enlightenment. Colin Chapman would be proud.

The lady that didn’t meet a Black person until college says someone else needs some perspective?! Like, “if you haven’t hit a person in the back of the head with a 2x4 just because of what they look like, then you need some more life experiences“? How the fuck?

Better get gap insurance, because someone is going to be very underwater after they wreck on the way home from Katie's

I that porsche914 or whatever? I think we need proof of life on that guy

Shhh! Don't let everyone know we exist!

Im just glad you’re doing this. Breath life back into the site!

Yeah, in that time span and the amount of money gm puts on the hood, I can see you coming out ahead. But looking at what a 2010 ridgeline goes for on Craigslist is bonkers