Cash Rewards

Glad you're back writing more regularly!

That's not something I considered before clicking NP. I would much rather spend money on what you linked to.

This is a good blog

I would say there have been more good 3 series with a six than without. But to a lot of people the definitive 3 series is that e30 m3. And many more will swear by the v8 in the e90. 

You know the original e30 m3 was a four cylinder, right?

Thats how you do it. You can see in the gif briefly, that little wiggle. The key is not to seesaw your foot and let off the brake any, but keep the ball of the foot on the brake planted, and blip throttle with pinky toe.

Recent estimates show that 40-60% of US population will get it. At lethality of 1-3%. Do the fucking math

Solar panel not included. This is just a battery

Solar panel not included. This is just a battery

Exactly. That bullshit needs to stop. This is appropriate use, in my opinion

In your nephews defense, those apex seals were busted leaving the factory

Really, how is it highjacked? An extra truck shows up in your search? Fuck, shut it down, I can't manage this. It's not a big deal, especially for something obscure as this. No one makes you click on it or spend any time past an extra swipe to scroll past 

Anyone looking for one of those would be interested in this, and there's no way this gets seen otherwise. This is an appropriate use of that


These are all user submitted. I searched for Baja and came across it that way

What, are you putting"Nissan marvie" into the search box?

Not sure where you got that from. Quick Google shows me 200lbs, which is approximately the same increase as the NB. It's typically accepted around autocross paddocks that the ND is lighter than the NB, but you're getting into wheel choice swaying that one way or the other. 21xx vs 23xx, options pending. Which is

It'll b cancelled soon

Depends on which one. The one actually driven (i.e. hooned within an inch of it's life) but offered for the same price, or the one with 5 miles for $180k?

Antii kautonen isn't an anagram for David Tracy....I'm so confused

I can Celest-iq my own balls!