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You're looking at it wrong. Bruce Wayne isn't doing the buying. Wayne Corp is

Ok, I got you. I was unaware there was a way in the volt to force it to switch modes.

Yeah, it is. What you described is how the Prius and Prius prime work. I almost bought one last week. From Wikipedia for convenience, but Google your source of choice.

The problem is that it depends on your driving habits. The Prius gets better mpg with gas engine engaged. The fact that the volt is battery only until the battery depletes is not well known or understood, I think.

Ok. Two cars on the interstate, one at 60mph and one at 70mph. That’s their speed relative to the road. But of one hit the other, it’d be a ten mph collision, assuming they were traveling in the same direction. This is the same thing, except the plane is at 800+ and the air it’s colliding with is 260. Therefore, the

Speed is relative to a frame of reference. Relative to the static, not-moving ground, it was exceeding the speed of sound. But relative to the medium in which it was traveling -air moving at 260 mph- it was not above the speed of sound. Therefore, in the medium in which it was traveling it did not cross the sound

Yes, I'm sure the invasion of French Indochina is still on the minds of many in France today

My wife has an uncle that's older than the sun. This is approximately where he wears his pants

And dealerships are cashing in. Years ago when the first year of the new pilot came out, I had a dealer give me a quote over MSRP. I told him I already had several quotes closer to invoice than msrp, which was true. His response: “ok”. Didn’t give a shit. Just waited for the next idiot not willing to drive 15 minutes,

Rib, every now and then you churn out little bits of brilliance and I was absolutely killed by “in black over no-animals-were-hurt”

Cop’s tweet says “driver identified”. That’s not something typically said if the driver remained on the scene. It wouldnt be the first time details were gotten wrong on an article.

Its weird, as the article says he stayed on the scene but the post from the cops says "drivers identified". To me that makes it sound like he left and was tracked down. If he stayed, then yeah, he's identified, duh. I don't know. If he stayed, I'm more likely to buy your explanation. 

If he bumped into him, sure. He pushed him into the shoulder, then pulled back onto the road and drove off. The hell were you watching?

This is absolutely correct. Name another factory hybrid with a manual (clutch) transmission. Will never happen. And we scorned it. We deserve the world we live in.

I loved my r53 more than any other car I've owned until I bought an old Miata. Now it's a tossup

Dealers and techs have nothing to do with a crap product leaving the factory year after year. 

Yeah, the Vette did, and it was fixed. The Alfa had been in the market for years, and still R&T can't get a hot lap out of it. Teething issues are one thing. That car has been a mess and it's never been addressed.

I think I saw that road and track still had a quadrofoglio go into limp mode on track. I think the regular models are ok, but when your enthusiast flagship can't run fast without breaking, it's a bad look. 

Its going to be a pile of cranes, that they'll pave over to widen the road

This needs to be said more often