
Ad-blockers have been around for 15+ years now, and it used to be a minority of users who had them, but that number has steadily grown to the point that I don’t know how anybody could blame the failure of any kind of media launched in the last 5 years on use of ad-blockers because everybody was already using

So, is Telemundo explicitly ordering weekly articles imploring people to turn off their ad-blockers? Also: too fucking bad. Maybe if y’all put as much effort into vetting your advertisers, or haranguing the perpetrators of to change their strategies, as you do into repeatedly attacking your customers, shit might

Not so hot, overly reactional take: I think it’s entirely wack that SLJ (and/or any other highly successful celebrity for that matter) has chosen to market & promote credit cards. Dude has enough clout that he can probably pick and choose his promotion work, enough money that he doesn’t need to be taking ad jobs (I

Courts and Police aren’t questioning assault victims? Assault is a crime and if you accuse someone of a crime they are by law assumed innocent until proven guilty. The courts and police are literally paid and explicitly told to NOT believe the accuser, and question them as if they are lying, which likely plays into

I was making the Wazzzup/Dilly Dilly comparison in my head as well, but I still think Dilly Dilly is more mystifying/annoying because: THERE’S NO FUCKING JOKE. Dilly Dilly isn’t a punchline, isn’t funny, and doesn’t relate to the rest of the commercial in any way, you could replace the words Dilly Dilly with literally

Any recipe that tries to slip ranch into something/anything labeled as ‘taco’ should be immediately discarded.

Hiwaymen. *snort* Fucking perfect. I see this crowd is just as diligent with their spelling as their ‘history’.

As far as I can tell, 95% of the people who make this comment don’t understand the slightest inkling of how the law works, let alone the difference between civil and criminal law.

I am amazed at the animation and life-like action. For most of this season Andy Reid on the sideline has looked like taking a breath a little too hard would send him into cardiac arrest, so I’m just happy to see him moving around this well.

Totally agreed about Vice ‘journos’ shoving themselves in front of the camera. At least ten minutes of EVERY SINGLE vice expose is completely unnecessary footage of the reporters getting in and out of cars as they talk about how hard/dangerous/shocking the subject is.

I don’t believe in his beard, I think he just pried open a Wooly Willy and sprinkled it on his chin.

I had a pretty negative response to this show’s advertising, for the opposite reasons, as I felt it was doubling up on a couple tropes I hate: the magical minority character, and presenting hospitals as miraculous temples of higher moral, emotional and intellectual operation filled with special, special people doing

I dunno where it fits, but I feel like there’s much-higher-than-zero chance that Kapernick is simply an asshole that nobody wants to play with? Is it worth something that out of all of the people who have advocated that Kaep should be playing somewhere, the actual coaches or players who have experience playing with

I share a similarly earnest hope that your next decade of 60+ hour work weeks, as a highly successful transcriptionist, might bring you up to basic competence with the single word processor you feel comfortable with.

Well, I was just being snarky, but you’re kind of making my point here....what’s wrong with the hours you work should be completely obvious, regardless of the many possible, and entirely valid reasons for WHY you work those hours. The fact that you’re spending all that work time Word only makes your judgment more

I appreciate you’re openness, but why would anybody trust the judgment of a Word user, who works 60+ hours every week?

That’s true for the people at the table, but seemingly a dozen more folks popped out of those tunnels/hatches with loaded weapons, looking fully prepared and with surprise on their side, in order to get immediately shot in the face.

Great critique/call out of the blindness arc....that one couldn’t even be explained away by editing, it was just an hour of careful set-up to be willfully tossed away.

I finished watching this show recently, and it was pretty enjoyable but I felt it kind of fell apart at the end, and distinctly left me with the feeling that half the show had been left on the cutting room floor, as some characters seemingly had a bigger stories that were never brought to conclusion (or even told at

This is one of those headlines/stories where my personal lament over this person’s passing has to wrestle with the surprise that he wasn’t already dead.