I don’t think I can trust anybody that produces a 3 letter acronym from 4 words.
I don’t think I can trust anybody that produces a 3 letter acronym from 4 words.
That pizza has fucking problems which extend far beyond fake cheese, starting with the corn and the entire-half-of-a-red-pepper.
Yeah, that’s the part that often gets lost in the general public’s conception of public restaurant safety:
As an oblivious middle-aged white dude, I have a congenital affliction of Devil’s Advocate Slippery Slopism, and although this article has done a good job of convincing me to abandon the N-word from my singalongs, it seems like the same logic could very easily be pointed to say that white people shouldn’t be saying…
As a furiously dedicated mayonnaise hater, I am uncomfortable that nobody in the article (or the commentariat) has addressed the massive swath of mysterious white sauce in the header picture. What is it? Are there any answers that could possibly be acceptable?
I can sympathize with the feelings of the creator (well, as much as a white dude can), but on the other hand I feel like the quest to remove ALL stereotypes from ALL media is also kind of creating a different narrative, that is just as culturally false (if not more), and you can see the results in the purposely bland…
I dunno exactly what point you’re trying to make Mo, but I consider this a teaching moment regarding internet correctionism, so bear with me:
For whatever it’s worth to ya, after a fair amount of research I did get a local junk hauler, and I had a million other things besides those massive HDTVs (including more TVs!) filling 3/4 of the truck for about 10% less $ than the other/1800GotJunk estimates. It did still feel like a little bit of both a rip-off…
For whatever it’s worth to ya, after a fair amount of research I did get a local junk hauler, and I had a million…
After considering your comment, I think it’s true that it’s pretty rare to find someone who is very attractive AND very intelligent.....but, at least as far as personal anecdotes are concerned, I’ve never had any trouble finding an endless stream of stupid and ugly folks with bugger all to offer to the world.
Could be worse. Just yesterday I had to PAY $500 to get someone to haul away a couple of theose massive old school HDTVs that I paid thousands of dollars for years ago. The gifts that keep on giving.
Could be worse. Just yesterday I had to PAY $500 to get someone to haul away a couple of theose massive old school…
FWIW, you can get a similarly equipped/slightly better rated HISENSE 4K TVs from Best Buy for similar/slightly better prices. I looked at both HISENSE and Roku ultra-cheapie 4Ks and eventually went with the HISENSE, so I can’t actually speak to the Roku’s quality, but I love my HISENSE TV.
I feel like a spambot.
FWIW, you can get a similarly equipped/slightly better rated HISENSE 4K TVs from Best Buy for similar/slightly…
As much as ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’ may hold some truth in reference to intelligence vs. attractiveness, I feel like creep radar is actually very effective. And this dude is pinging so HARD.
Mighty, mighty pleasin’, Pappy’s corn squeezin’.
Good Lord, no Captain Hastings? I say!
I had pretty much the same story. Way back in 2000 I was living in the Bay Area (gross) and I was seeing a woman from L.A. at the time. I flew her up for a weekend, and rented a hotel room and everything, but when we arrived there was apparently a video-game mascot dancing in the parking lot? And then there was…
If you ever say some shit like “It’s just part of one of my alter egos. One of my alter egos is love.” you should be immediately saddled with a sandwich board reading “MONUMENTAL DOUCHEBAG” and swiftly kicked in the crotch.
That’s a well thought out (and well written) breakdown. You also touched on another epiphany that I’ve had during the recent months: absolutely EVERYBODY thinks that they’re a good person, on the balance. Even the most sadistic & demented serial killers have rationalizations which allow them to blame someone/something…
I also don’t understand why anybody would purposely read a comment as literally as possible in a desperate need to “correct” someone else’s opinion by the slightest degree, and I would also categorize THAT as poor impulse control.
Yeah, obviously these people aren’t on Harvey’s level, and yet I can at least understand/accept that at some level he’s a very broken person dealing with a very broken impulse control. If nothing else Harvey sounds desperate in almost all of the dialogs that have been released. The serial enablers on the other hand,…