Your Own Petard

I got my salary in the form of Rebirth advance issues!
I… need to get another job.

It's not like he had a …say in the costumes. Hi five, brah!

it makes me sleepy.

There's only so much Terrigen Mists can do. I think this calls for a couple of Cosmic Cubes.

"Why do youth 'chill' in the future? Has something happened to the earth's distance from the sun?" </docbrownvoice>

Oh, keep reading! They're talking about G. I. Joe a dozen comments down. Jesus, I love you wonderfully geeky bastards.


For me, one of the many reasons Luke Cage starts out so strong is Frankie Faison's character. Pop is a perfect embodiment of a certain Harlem quality, and what he's established in his community is a fragile but essential part of it.

And in front of all my home-dogs too! Now they will diss me, surely.

"To do binge?" Is that how the kids say it nowadays? That doesn't sound terribly fleek to me.
EDIT: Now they've corrected it. But I'm going to use "to do binge" whenever I'm on the internets from now on.

The story I heard was that Myrna Loy was repeatedly cast as Asians not because she looked Asian (she doesn't, really) but because her last name led people to believe she was at least part Asian.

I don't know if the word "perfection" adequately covers a body of work that includes The Howling II.

Actually, Argentinians think they are from Tlon, act like they'Re from Uqbar, and just speak the language of Orbis Tertius.

Every time you're caught in bed with a llama feels like the first time. Take it from me.

This one was me asking for it: I joined Scientology for a goof. Only I found out that you actually have to pay to join. Which I did. Not anywhere near the best decision on my part (and Scientology, as it turns out, isn't amusing at all) This is easily the stupidest thing I've ever done; I almost would have preferred

We prefer "soilers."

I assume you're referring to Enemy Ace.

I absolutely hate Seth MacFarlane, yet he's largely responsible for Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, in my opinion the greatest TV show of the past 10-15 years.

History of Violence. And the Random Rolls by Will Harris.

Did he hurt someone's precious feelings?