
Amazing. I was wondering if there were people like me. I just can't do it either. I have a huge collection of games beaten once. However, I'm a collector so I can't bear to get rid of them. Even if I beat the game in a week after release.

Hi. I served in the US Army and went to electronics school alongside EOD at Redstone Arsenal, AL. I can gladly provide some insight.

It’s pretty simple really. The suspect claimed to have an IED. He was making ominous threats like “the end is near” and claimed to have “bombs all over the place.” He had just committed

Yes, he was in an elevated parking garage where he had a view to shoot down at the police, but they did not have a good angle to fire back. Also, he claimed to have a bomb, so the controlled explosion was intended to detonate any explosives he had on him, thus neutralizing that threat as well.

I’m the same way. I have sports games that I’ll play season after season after season, but for all the others, it’s one time through. It does save me money on not buying games when they first come out.

I don’t get them either. I didn’t get what was “hip” when I was a teenager (the early 90s, when turntables and dinosaurs roamed the earth), and I don’t now.

I do know that I am *not* dying to see the Han Solo prequel adventure. About Obi-Wan Kenobi, portrayed by Ewan MacGregor, on Tatooine during his exile after Ep III, yes. A young Han Solo film? Not so much, no.

Who the hell pays thousands of dollars for virtual stickers for a fucking gun in a videogame? I mean, come on, people. If you wanna burn money, light it on fire. At least you’ll get some warmth from it.

People also don’t understand that GS doesn’t equal optimal gear at all. Each rank of gear overlaps stat ranges with each other, so it is entirely possible to have a 204 weapon that is better than the new 229 weapons that are available. This goes for gear as well, people are just throwing on pieces of the new 268 stuff

It’s expanded polystyrene (EPS or Geofoam). It’s used in lieu of traditional dirt fill. Cheaper, much easier to handle and weighs significantly less, which can be a huge advantage when it’s being piled on top of a tunnel. The portion of the video when he says “auditorium being covered with more construction foam” is

For all the people who lurk in Division (and Destiny) kotaku posts to ask the tiring question “People still play this?” , yeah, THEY DO. It’s more decent to play nowadays, especially with friends (fuck the dark zone rogues!) although could use more content, hopefully this this dlc will pan out!

Yeah, definitely, especially after the awful trailer they released previously. I was geniunely interested in this game while watching this new trailer, before even knowing what the game was.

I only realized it was Call of Duty when the logo was shoved onto the screen at the end. I had literally forgotten that game existed and the trailer made no effort to make a connection with CoD until the logo at the end.

So true I watched the Sony E3 and didn’t see any name on the trailer until the end. I thought it looked interesting. I think they purposely set it up like that to prove a point. You can’t judge a book by its cover. I give up on Cod years ago but I might give the campaign a go. I can’t go back to the cluster fuck

Agreed, felt the complete opposite from the battlefield 1 gameplay reveal. Just the same shit, slightly better graphics. Never thought I’d want to play a COD game over battlefield.

Just want to second this. I wish they sold the single-player seperately from the multiplayer. I just want the campaign.

So what’s the current status on Rockstar? Before E3 there was a lot of buzz that they’d have a huge event or something. I mean, I thought the entire point of this E3 was to announce a new Red Dead game?

My guess? They tried the F2P train with Heroes of the Storm, and while they’ve honestly been pumping content into that game, new heroes on the reg, and fairly consistent new maps, with balance updates all the while, but there has been no ‘phenomenon’ with HOTS, even though it’s basically the Super Smash Bros. MOBA of

Agreed. Between the 20hz scan rate of the servers and the massive dearth of content, I feel like, at least for now, I played all that Overwatch had to offer.

This was my experience as well, the game is there and it functions. But other than the characters its just another shooter with some here and there modes. The game is fun, but was only fun for me for a weekend. I really hope others continue to enjoy it though, pretty neat little world blizzard has made once again.

Yup, and that’s why you still can get the pit of your stomach horrid feeling when using VR roller coasters when you’re not moving at all. :D (which really surprised me.)