
A guy at my office had his search engine reset to bing, and didn’t realize it. He asked me for help some time later because “a virus has made my google not work right”.

The vast majority of the non tech savvy(marketing people excluded) people in my office use Bing just because it’s the default on corporate issued PCs.

Literally no one knew about anything being cut until after the game was released. Heck, they are still using trailers on their steam page that contain things that don’t exist in the game even now. Maybe remove your head from the sand.

Open? They were open on what they apparently planned, less so about what was cut. That’s where the problem lies.

The only thing One Man’s Lie proves is that you can say anything you want about the product your selling no matter if its true or a lie and people will still buy it.

It’s a very strong disincentive for what? Thinner phone? Nobody needs a thinner phone.

Yup same boat I bought it on the thought that Bethesda has made great DLC for fallout 3 it will be the same for fallout 4. Nope never again screw season passes and take everything Bethesda says with a truckload of salt.

I get the rotisserie chicken and rip all of the good meat off of it, make a big ol’ box of Stove Top cornbread dressing using chicken broth instead of water and mix the deboned chunks and pieces of chicken in the dressing and bake until crunchy! (I HATE mushy dressing) Crowd pleaser.

I’m sure it’s not the case for most people, but I am in the same boat as the OP. My partner wants all new appliances. Last year I caved on getting a fancy dishwasher during the tax holiday. This year I have won the argument about the fridge because of the nix on the tax free holiday.

Well, identical trademarks can be used by multiple parties, so long as their is no likelihood of confusion; i.e., where the goods/services are in different classes and are offered or sold in different streams of commerce. For example, DELTA is a registered trademark owned by different companies for both plumbing

Saaaame. Sometimes I feel I’m the only logical one when it comes to that. Glad I’m not.

Yes, you can invite anyone you feel like.

I’m gonna be that guy, here.

Flash is still a better and more robust solution for animation than most HTML5 solutions. Its time is nearly up, certainly, but it doesn’t deserve the incessant demonization and badmouthing it gets from a clueless press with no awareness of its capabilities.

He looks exactly like the kind of guy that rapes passed out girls by dumpsters.

That cannot be said for other AAA games though. And probably why they use (and need) some form of DRM.

Overwatch gives you the ability to turn even the text chat off, which I use every time I’m not playing with friends

The new ‘Okay’ emote is so perfect.

Concur with this completely. I bought rainbow six around the same time as Overwatch came out and it’s a massive difference. I would say about 85-90% of my competitive and other experience on overwatch is super positive. I don’t think It’s a problem whatsoever really, one of the few online communities I would say a

Ahh true, shame I have no interest in that. I would have bought one had it been a lower price.

Ahh true, shame I have no interest in that. I would have bought one had it been a lower price.