
It’s funny how the only business model companies out there seem to have is: make ads, make money.

I agree. The variety in quests is a new standard that I hope other games follow. Some are really quick and quirky, and others are really long, with a lot of steps and an interesting and satisfying conclusion. I sometimes wish the rewards had been better though. I felt like it was kind of rare to get something really

“If you thought Star Wars Battlefront was insubstantial, you’re not alone. The folks running EA agree” and yet that still didn’t stop them from stretching less than a $60 games worth of content across a $60 game and a $50 season pass, and now we’re going to blame a movie release schedule for that decision?

Lack of a

No clue if you’re being sarcastic or not, bit I totally do this. The number of people at this level has to be really low, maybe less than the number of people who cheat.

He’s getting at a bigger point: how are you supposed to know someone’s cheating? The whole point of such things is to make it look like you aren't.

Don’t forget your lightsaber:

The city mission that had you going from rooftop to rooftop? Such a good one.

And then people will make fake gamer girls with busty attributes to get more views. I will be disappointed if it is not part of the game.

When I played it for the first I pretty much felt the same way. I always wondered why they just didn’t gate off both teams and leave a no man’s land in the middle.

The game actually provided feels. This is remarkable and hard to do, especially when this was a game with a silent main character and a team that you only just met. Thinking back on it, Reach and ODST were the best games in the Halo series, even if they were not the best Halo games, if that makes sense. They don’t

yeah its pretty easy to do. You can drop a level 2 turret in a very cheap spot on route 66, and as long as you have some decent team work . there’s a good chance the attackers will get trapped.

I hope the kid is right only because the experts were kinda... well, dicks in their response.

Ha! That’s always been my question when movies present these amazing looking see-through computer displays...Looks super cool in a movie, but they’d be shit to get work done on, with people walking around and whatnot in the background.

We need a good console submarine game.

I agree. It was hella fun but that ends after a few games. No leveling and all rewards are from loot boxes. So i get a bunch of stuff for characters i don’t even use. I cant see spending 60$ on this.

Still already looks 10 times better than infinite warfare (which is very appropriately named seeing CoD never stops coming).

Oh boy, I can’t wait to use a tank in this game and drive a whopping five miles per hour!

They are clearing stock for some sort of One Slim or otherwise upgraded model to be announced at E3. Guaranteed.

They are clearing stock for some sort of One Slim or otherwise upgraded model to be announced at E3. Guaranteed.

And gravity repellent.