
I did not like the first Dishonored. The reason I mention that is not to be a naysayer, but to honestly ask the community why you all liked it so much. My problems with the game were basically twofold:

I will never understand the groupthink that leads so many people to fetishize these games. Hard ≠ good.

Absolutely. The Souls series is one of the worst bunch of game I can think of to spend my game time on. Can’t stand ‘em, not for me, have fun everyone!

Every day during our lunch break, a coworker and I play Rocket League for 4-5 matches. We were both pretty excited for this game type and after our first round of playing the ‘Hoops’ game mode, we decided that it wasn’t fun and that soccer was the way to go.

I struggle bigtime wit his in Final Fantasy 14. I have years of time logged now, but I only go back one or two times a year after 2 or 3 big content patches happen, then I will play for a month at a time, but man, stepping back in I have no clue what skills to use, or when. People treat me like I bough the account,

I have no issues with this game. I love it .. so do my friends.

I’m enjoying it quite a bit, so no, it IS NOT boring and grinding.

I’m still laughing that it’s a 60 dollar title when it was clearly designed with the freemium model on mind. Just waiting for the microtransactions to drop in.

No. I was pretty surprised by it as well. Aside from the looks, it’s a pretty useless addition, seeing as there already is a legendary void sword.

My reasons for choosing The Division over Destiny? Quite simply, Eververse. I can invest time now in The Division levelling characters and gathering/crafting gear. Then, in a month’s time I can fire up Destiny, drop $24 and basically buy everything that Destiny players have been working toward for the previous 28

Can we really consider a light level adjustment and some new gear a “major content update” though? We had a raid each in vanilla and Dark Below, and I was willing to accept House of Wolves as mostly filler before Taken King, but the idea that we haven’t had a single one since King’s Fall is... a bit silly, frankly.

I don’t disagree here.

Yeah, it’s speculation and assumption on my part. But it just seems so ridiculous to have pretty detailed patch notes released to public on Tuesday, and then days later, coincidentally right after a huge majority of the community voices their criticism of the crafting changes, come out and say “Whoa hey wait, this is

Ok, thank you! You just seemed really certain so I thought maybe I missed someplace that they had admitted it or something. I tend to agree that it’s more likely that this is a reactionary feature, although I am happy to see it.

Not a hater myself, love this game, but yeah, this definitely reeks of “we made a boo boo, here’s a fix”. Others are saying “Why didn’t they just lead with this in the patch notes released the other day??” When, to me and many others, it’s obvious this is a change coming after the community outrage over the released

Right? And even when I eject “just in time”, I still die. It’s like, “hey, wtf, I can see me being alive still, mid-eject! I don’t wanna pay $5000 to Sandy Fucking Shores Hospital......again!”

Takes me 6-10 minutes to do most hard modes, just whizz on through. I’ve not been exploiting phoenix drops and haven’t really been that lucky with gear drops. Farmed and rolled a decent vector and crafted bits of gear. I’m sitting at 178k DPS with 62k HP, things melt on both hard and Challenge mode. Craft a vector and

This. It is way harder to read, especially since not everything is formatted with the green balls. The changing formats are jarring, plus it is harder to read, and you get less text on a line with the green balls.

This. It is way harder to read, especially since not everything is formatted with the green balls. The changing

Seemed to have been fixed like 5 days after launch. Mine was fuzzy, now it’s like Charlie Chaplin.

More Content than the new Battlefront already - even has space battles.