

I only fast-travel to do equipment dumps, usually at the end of a quest. Then I travel back and continue. Fast travel is useful for hoarders.

Luckly they sent me a beta code so I got to try it out and ended up not liking it. Cancelled my pre order and probably wont be buying it. Until they remove the gd tokens from the field.

Youre right, it is bizarre this still got a “Yes”. Whatever, I just want a new Battlefield.

It’s not worth $60 to me either. It looks fun, sure. I’ve had quite a bit of fun playing it at a friends place so far. But $60 worth of fun? No thanks. I’ve got Fallout 4, i’m still playing a ton of Rocket League, i can wait till the game drops to the $30 price mark before i pick it up.

I got bored after maybe 8 matches in the Beta and did not pre order. Its just not as much fun to play as it looks.

I did the same thing. Felt good doing so after the beta bummed me out. More Fallout time! :D

I was turned off by this game before reading the review. I’m with you, the review made it seem even more like a hard pass.

Agreed, would be nice to have a guide.

Well in Fallout 3, the crashed ship may have just been a decoy so they could suck you up into their ship and get forced to play that awful DLC!

The poor snowflakes, they got into Yale and now nobody is giving them special attention on a daily basis.

No sword to fight off the zombies? No gun to kill your fellow citizens looking for food? Whoever designed that wasn't thinking big enough.

As long as you leave it in a settlement that has an armor rig (a yellow harness/jack looking thing that let’s you mod the armor), and you exit the armor near the rig, it’ll be there when you come back. There’s even a little icon on the map to show you where your armor is.

Wait wait.. 360 was always very sluggish for me, after the updates to the blades that is. Hm. I wonder why that was.

im not seeing the app in the store, and ive updated to the new firmware, was it pulled?

Wow, people are stupid.

that’s what i told myself up until last week. and then i caved because i started to feel left out :,(

Fuck those chase missions. As soon as I saw the headline, I thought of how many times the controls have fucked me over during AC races and chases.

I often say that you should never fail at a challenge in a game because of the controls.